
Autodesk AutoCAD 2010

Version: 18

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Deployment Tips (7)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
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Not Determined
Below is the script from the Autocad 2010 doco to do the install, with some minor changes. We have used the script below to deploy using SMS. To use, just change the xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx entries to suit your organisation. this installs with a serial of 000-0000000. So user is able to change the serial themselves to their serial after installation. (or just change the serial number entry to suit)

' Create variables
dim shell
dim productType
dim strADSKFirstName
dim strADSKLastName
dim strADSKOrganization
dim strADSKSNPrefix
dim strADSKSNNumber
dim strADSKProdKey
dim strLocale
dim strACADStandaloneNetworkType
dim strADSKLicenseServerType
dim strADSKLicenseType
dim strADSKServerName
dim strADSKServerPath
dim strADSKServerHostID
dim strADSKPath
dim strSourcePath
' Script initialization
Set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
productType = "ACAD"
' Name and Organization information
strADSKFirstName = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
strADSKLastName = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
strADSKOrganization = "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
'Serial Number information
strADSKSNPrefix = "000"
strADSKSNNumber = "00000000"
'Locale information, for example en-US = US English, de-DE =
'Deutchland German, ja-JP = Japan Japanese
strLocale="en-US" ' en-US, de-DE, ja-JP

'Source to install from (e.g. D: is assumed to be Install Media)
strSourcePath = GetPath

'Destination to install to
strADSKPath = Shell.ExpandEnvironmentStrings("%ProgramFiles%") + "\" + "AutoCAD 2010"
If strLocale <> "" Then strADSKPath = strADSKPath + " " + strLocale
strADSKPath = strADSKPath + "\"
''' Uncomment the relevant version of your installation - Default is Standalone
' For Standalone
'For Single Network License Server
'End of Script
Function RunStandaloneInstall
shell.run DefaultCommand(),2,1
end function
Function RunSingleLicenseServerInstall
' Update with the correct information for the license server
strACADStandaloneNetworkType = "3"
strADSKLicenseServerType = "Single Server License"
strADSKLicenseType = "Network License"
strADSKServerPath = "myFlexNetServer"
' HOSTID or MAC address
strADSKServerHostID = "000000000000"
'Consolidate the two values
strADSKServerPath = strADSKServerPath & " " & strADSKServerHostID
shell.run MakeCommand(),2,1
end Function

Function DefaultCommand
dim retString
' /qb for silent install ' /c [key] override parameters for the key
' /w wait until installation completes before returning to script
' /o reboot after install completes
retString = """" & strSourcePath & "\setup.exe" & """" & " /t /qb"
If strLocale <> "" Then
retString = retString & "/Language " & strLocale
End if
retString = retString & " /c " & productType & ": "
retString = retString & "INSTALLDIR=" & """" & strADSKPath & """"& " "
retString = retString & "ACADSERIALPREFIX=" & strADSKSNPrefix & ""
retString = retString & "ACADSERIALNUMBER=" & strADSKSNNumber & ""
retString = retString & "ADLM_PRODKEY=" & strADSKProdKey & " "
retString = retString & "ACADFIRSTNAME=" & """" & strADSKFirstName& """" & " "
retString = retString & "ACADLASTNAME=" & """" & strADSKLastName& """" & " "
retString = retString & "ACADORGANIZATION=" & """" & strADSKOrganization & """" & " "
retString = retString & "InstallLevel=5 "
DefaultCommand = retString & " "
end function
Function MakeCommand
dim retString
retString = DefaultCommand() & " "
retString = retString & "ACADSTANDALONENETWORKTYPE=" & """" & strACADStandaloneNetworkType & """" & " "
retString = retString & "ACADLICENSESERVERTYPE=" & """" & strADSKLicenseServerType & """" & " "
retString = retString & "ACADLICENSETYPE=" & """" & strADSKLicenseType & """" & " "
retString = retString & "ACADSERVERPATH=" & """" & strADSKServerPath & """" & " "
MakeCommand = retString
end Function

Function GetPath
' Return path to the current script
Dim path
path = WScript.ScriptFullName ' script file name
GetPath = Left(path, InstrRev(path, "\"))
End Function
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line

Dim WshShell
Dim objFSO
Set WshShell = CreateObject("wscript.shell")
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

WshShell.Run "c:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /x {5783F2D7-8001-0409-0002-0060B0CE6BBA} /qn /passive /norestart /l c:\LogFiles\Uninstall_Autocad_2010.log"

WshShell.Run "c:\windows\system32\msiexec.exe /x .\x86\acad\en-us\AcadLP.msi /qn /l c:\LogFiles\Uninstall_Autocad_2010_language_pack.log"
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
Heres the same info Paul posted, but without the vbscript and in batch script form...so its easier to use and read. The VBscript was missing a couple of spaces in the command line, so it wouldn't execute properly. I copied the Autocad install to a dir named acad and put this batch script outside of the acad folder.

:: Silent install for Autocad 2010.

start /wait .\acad\setup.exe /t /qb /Language en-US /c ACAD: INSTALLDIR="c:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2010 en-US" ACADSERIALPREFIX=000 ACADSERIALNUMBER=00000000 ADLM_PRODKEY=" " ACADFIRSTNAME="Joes" ACADLASTNAME="Bar and Grill" ACADORGANIZATION="Joes Bar and Grill" InstallLevel=5

:: TIMER to pause for 30 mins to keep the drive mapping
:: because the autocad install releases the drive when
:: the progress dialog is displayed for the first time.

@ping -n 1800 >nul

Heres the same info Paul posted for the uninstall, except without the vbscript and in batch script format so it is also easier to read and use. I commented out the language pack uninstall because it didn't seem to work for me.

:: Silent uninstall for Autocad 2010

msiexec.exe /x {5783F2D7-8001-0409-0002-0060B0CE6BBA} /qn /passive /norestart

::msiexec.exe /x .\Acad\x86\acad\en-us\AcadLP.msi /qn
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Here is the Update to rainmakers99 Post: to install over come the issue with language pack in step 4: us the following commandline to install teh Lang pack

msiexec /i "C:\acad\EN-US\acadLP.msi" /l* c:\acad\acadLP2k10.txt /passive INSTALLDIR="c:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2010" ADMIN_INSTALL=YES LPPARENT=ACAD

this Should resolve all the errors related to lang pack
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
AutoDesk created a nice deployment app suite. However, it does require the desktop to be loaded. (i.e. a user has to be logged in) It also requires a direct reboot. Another note is that the gpo deployment msi's and mst's require more than just the transforms mst options.

This is a basic step list on howto create a silent installer that does not require a user to be logged into the desktop. (This is for a single license server setup)

1. create the deployment share
2. install the prereqs
msiexec /i "%scriptpath%Deployment\AdminImage\x86\support\VCRedist\2008\x86\vc_red.msi" /passive

call "%scriptpath%Deployment\AdminImage\x86\support\dotnetfx\wcu\dotNetFramework\dotNetFx35setup.exe" /passive /nobackup

call "%scriptpath%Deployment\AdminImage\x86\support\DirectX\DXSETUP.exe" /silent

3. call the msi with all the correct options. (please note this is all on one line, and you will need to adjust all the variables past the = signs to your particular fileshare locations, names, serial numbers, lic servers

msiexec /i "%scriptpath%Deployment\AdminImage\x86\acad\acad-Autocad-for-GPO.msi" /l* c:\autocad2k10.txt /passive /t "%scriptpath%Deployment\AdminImage\x86\acad\acad-Autocad.mst" INSTALLDIR="c:\Program Files\AutoCAD 2010" ACADSERIALPREFIX=Prefix ACADSERIALNUMBER=SerialNum ADLM_PRODKEY="prodKey" ACADFIRSTNAME="FirstName" ACADLASTNAME="LastName" ACADORGANIZATION="Your_Org" InstallLevel=5 ACADSERVERPATH="LicenseServer" ACADSTANDALONENETWORKTYPE=3 ACADLICENSESERVERTYPE="Single Server License"

4. Next step is to install the language pack. I found the created msi for this does not work and it is best to just do an xcopy of the required files. If you do not preform this step you will get dll missing error messages.

xcopy /y /e "%scriptpath%Deployment\AdminImage\x86\acad\en-us\Acad\Program Files\Root\*" "%programfiles%\Autocad 2010"

5. Copy over your license file that points to your license server and port.

xcopy /Y %scriptpath%LICPATH.LIC "%programfiles%\Autocad 2010\"
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Response to rainmakers99's entry. Note most of this 2010 info is also valid for 2011

The deployment tool creates two MSI files and only one MST. As stated, the GPO msi is the correct one to use with MSIEXEC. This is because it includes the correct values for the Product Code that allows service packs and subscription packs to recognize that the product is correctly installed.

However, I don't believe any of those command line parameters are required for the GPO.msi installation. For example, the deployment tool places the serial number in the MST.

The language pack requires INSTALLDIR but LPPARENT is not referenced in the MSI (and is not present in the INI for 2011) and ADMIN_INSTALL is not present in the MSI (at least in 2011) so those are probably entries specific to a setup.exe install that references the INI.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

Just read the Network Admin Guide provided by Autodesk. It covers all this as well as SCCM and GPO deployments. For SCCM you have to package the custom DirectX installer separately and deploy that before pushing AutoCAD or SCCM will not install the AutoCAD deployment. It will report "success" but will actually fail because the setup.exe returns a 0 code (success) no matter what.

Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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