
Avaya CMS Supervisor

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Views: 9.5k  |  Created: 11/10/2009

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Deployment Tips (3)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 4 / 5 (Somewhat Difficult) based on 1 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Vendor Provided Command Line (answer file driven)
Hello All,

I was presented with the challenge of automating the CMS Supervisor R15 Client installer. I first read that many people were having issues doing this, so I knew that I would have a task in front of me.

This is for a "Clean Install" of the CMS client - Not older version of the client installed. (it should upgrade itself from an older version, but I have not tested it)

I saw Avaya used Installshield to build their installer. Though Avaya themselves don't seem to support any sort of automated install of this application or SMS delivery. The engine the install is build with does support automation, without having to "repackage it".

Here are the steps that I was able to do to fully automate this install for a for a Microsoft Windows Enterprise Deployment.

1) Execute the Avaya "setup.exe" for CMS Supervisor, let the installer load until you see the "Welcome to the Installshield Wizard for Supervisor" This will let the "real" installer unpack. Leave this screen up and don't click next.

2) Right click on the "start button" | Explore | C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\pft89~tmp (This temp directory name may change, just look in this local settings\temp structure and you will find it. You will find the following files in this folder - (Data1.cab | Data1.hdr | Data2.cab | Ikernel.ex_ | Layout.bin | Setup.exe | Setup.ini | Setup.inx)

This is the entire that you will need to use. Copy these file to a different folder. Then you can cancel the main CMS installer.

3) Start | Run drag and drop the Setup.exe and run it with a -r so here is the command line - setup.exe -r
Then step through the install as you usually would. The - r with create an "answer file" for this install. When you are done stepping through the install look in C:\Window for "setup.iss" - This is the answer file that you will need to automate this install. (This is only for the install itself and will not resolve the HKCU issues) But we’re getting there.

4) Launch the application and set your server information. This information is stored in. We have it setup to run via IP Address, Here are the reg keys. XX = IP address -

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Avaya\Supervisor\15.0\S ervers\XX.XX.XX.XX]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Avaya\Supervisor\15.0\S ervers\History]

I also had another challenge. We have multi-user machines and every one of the users run this software on the same single machine. So I had to sent this reg key as well.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Avaya\Supervisor\15.0\R epositories]
"PCCache"="C:\\Program Files\\Avaya\\CMS Supervisor R15\\Cache"
"PCCentreVu"="C:\\Program Files\\Avaya\\CMS Supervisor R15"
"PCCOWCustReport"="C:\\Program Files\\Avaya\\CMS Supervisor R15"
"PCCustError"="C:\\Program Files\\Avaya\\CMS Supervisor R15\\Logs"
"PCLocale"="C:\\Program Files\\Avaya\\CMS Supervisor R15\\Locale"
"PCLogs"="C:\\Program Files\\Avaya\\CMS Supervisor R15\\Logs"
"PCServError"="C:\\Program Files\\Avaya\\CMS Supervisor R15\\Logs"
"PCStdReport"="C:\\Program Files\\Avaya\\CMS Supervisor R15"
"PCTemp"="C:\\Program Files\\Avaya\\CMS Supervisor R15\\Temp"
"PCUser"="C:\\Program Files\\Avaya\\CMS Supervisor R15"

Once last thing of note - The reg key ""VER_MSGSET_MAJOR"="15" = The server version that you are connecting to. This can be set to 12 or 9 if you are rolling out the C15 client and set have a 12 or 9 server. This also means you can "pre-deploy" the client to a 12 or 9 environment and just flip the reg key for the 15 server deploy.

So when these reg keys are set - Export these keys and copy them into a single reg file.

"RegistryDefaults.reg" that contains all of the above keys.

During the install I'm renaming the existing RegistryDefaults.reg to RegistryDefaults.org and then copying the updated reg key to C:\Program Files\Avaya\CMS Supervisor R15. This key also gets written during this issue, I also delete the existing keys from the registry.
This will set it for each users that logs in. effectively defeating the need to re-enter the server info every time a new user logs in.

The final phase is this is to set the Installshield command line to automate the install
Silent = /s
Answer file = setup.iss
/f2C = (you need to use this switch to "re-direct" the output file.) When you use the setup.iss it out puts a log file to show success or failure. It will try to write this file back to the source if you don't re-direct it. In the case of using SMS or SCCM to deploy the application, the file doesn't have the rights to create the log file. So /f2 must be used.

This is the command line that I used.
setup.exe /s setup.iss /f2C:\windows\temp\avayaR15.log

I used Wise Script to put this install together. I'm sure you can put it together in a cmd or bat file.

Here is what my Wise Script looks like.

Set Variable AVAYAPROG to C:\Program Files\Avaya\CMS Supervisor R15
Set Variable AVAYAREG to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Avaya
Execute %INST%\setup.exe /s setup.iss /f2C:\windows\temp\avayaR15.log (Wait)
Rename %AVAYAPROG%\RegistryDefaults.reg to RegistryDefaults.org
Edit 134 registry keys
Install File C:\Program Files\Avaya\CMS Supervisor R15\RegistryDefaults.reg to %AVAYAPROG%\RegistryDefaults.reg

I'm actually editing/deleting the 134 HKCU\Software\Avaya reg keys.. This way I could do make these edits without the user logged it.
Another way to delete the keys is this command - REG DELETE HKCU\Software\Avaya /f Just put that into a BAT/CMD or other script to execute. - I have found the only way this way works, is if the user is logged in to have access to the HKCU hive.

You can create a setup.iss for an automated uninstall as well.

Uninstall Caveat:
I found un-installing this application in my environment breaks the “Microsoft Windows Scripting Host” which killed all mapped drive on our machines and other applications that required this tool. I found by re-registering vbscript.dll resolves this...
So regsvr32.exe vbscript.dll /s for a silent re-register
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Hello All,

I was presented with the challenge of automating the CMS Supervisor R15 Client installer. I first read that many people were having issues doing this, so I knew that I would have a task in front of me.

This is for a "Clean Install" of the CMS client - Not older version of the client installed. (it should upgrade itself from an older version, but I have not tested it)

I saw Avaya used Installshield to build their installer. Though Avaya themselves don't seem to support any sort of automated install of this application or SMS delivery. The engine the install is build with does support automation, without having to "repackage it".

Here are the steps that I was able to do to fully automate this install for a for a Microsoft Windows Enterprise Deployment.

1) Execute the Avaya "setup.exe" for CMS Supervisor, let the installer load until you see the "Welcome to the Installshield Wizard for Supervisor" This will let the "real" installer unpack. Leave this screen up and don't click next.

2) Right click on the "start button" | Explore | C:\Documents and Settings\user\Local Settings\Temp\pft89~tmp (This temp directory name may change, just look in this local settings\temp structure and you will find it. You will find the following files in this folder - (Data1.cab | Data1.hdr | Data2.cab | Ikernel.ex_ | Layout.bin | Setup.exe | Setup.ini | Setup.inx)

This is the entire that you will need to use. Copy these file to a different folder. Then you can cancel the main CMS installer.

3) Start | Run drag and drop the Setup.exe and run it with a -r so here is the command line - setup.exe -r
Then step through the install as you usually would. The - r with create an "answer file" for this install. When you are done stepping through the install look in C:\Window for "setup.iss" - This is the answer file that you will need to automate this install. (This is only for the install itself and will not resolve the HKCU issues) But we’re getting there.

4) Launch the application and set your server information. This information is stored in. We have it setup to run via IP Address, Here are the reg keys. XX = IP address -

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Avaya\Supervisor\15.0\S ervers\XX.XX.XX.XX]

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Avaya\Supervisor\15.0\S ervers\History]

I also had another challenge. We have multi-user machines and every one of the users run this software on the same single machine. So I had to sent this reg key as well.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Avaya\Supervisor\15.0\R epositories]
"PCCache"="C:\\Program Files\\Avaya\\CMS Supervisor R15\\Cache"
"PCCentreVu"="C:\\Program Files\\Avaya\\CMS Supervisor R15"
"PCCOWCustReport"="C:\\Program Files\\Avaya\\CMS Supervisor R15"
"PCCustError"="C:\\Program Files\\Avaya\\CMS Supervisor R15\\Logs"
"PCLocale"="C:\\Program Files\\Avaya\\CMS Supervisor R15\\Locale"
"PCLogs"="C:\\Program Files\\Avaya\\CMS Supervisor R15\\Logs"
"PCServError"="C:\\Program Files\\Avaya\\CMS Supervisor R15\\Logs"
"PCStdReport"="C:\\Program Files\\Avaya\\CMS Supervisor R15"
"PCTemp"="C:\\Program Files\\Avaya\\CMS Supervisor R15\\Temp"
"PCUser"="C:\\Program Files\\Avaya\\CMS Supervisor R15"

Once last thing of note - The reg key ""VER_MSGSET_MAJOR"="15" = The server version that you are connecting to. This can be set to 12 or 9 if you are rolling out the C15 client and set have a 12 or 9 server. This also means you can "pre-deploy" the client to a 12 or 9 environment and just flip the reg key for the 15 server deploy.

So when these reg keys are set - Export these keys and copy them into a single reg file.

"RegistryDefaults.reg" that contains all of the above keys.

During the install I'm renaming the existing RegistryDefaults.reg to RegistryDefaults.org and then copying the updated reg key to C:\Program Files\Avaya\CMS Supervisor R15. This key also gets written during this issue, I also delete the existing keys from the registry.
This will set it for each users that logs in. effectively defeating the need to re-enter the server info every time a new user logs in.

The final phase is this is to set the Installshield command line to automate the install
Silent = /s
Answer file = setup.iss
/f2C = (you need to use this switch to "re-direct" the output file.) When you use the setup.iss it out puts a log file to show success or failure. It will try to write this file back to the source if you don't re-direct it. In the case of using SMS or SCCM to deploy the application, the file doesn't have the rights to create the log file. So /f2 must be used.

This is the command line that I used.
setup.exe /s setup.iss /f2C:\windows\temp\avayaR15.log

I used Wise Script to put this install together. I'm sure you can put it together in a cmd or bat file.

Here is what my Wise Script looks like.

Set Variable AVAYAPROG to C:\Program Files\Avaya\CMS Supervisor R15
Set Variable AVAYAREG to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Avaya
Execute %INST%\setup.exe /s setup.iss /f2C:\windows\temp\avayaR15.log (Wait)
Rename %AVAYAPROG%\RegistryDefaults.reg to RegistryDefaults.org
Edit 134 registry keys
Install File C:\Program Files\Avaya\CMS Supervisor R15\RegistryDefaults.reg to %AVAYAPROG%\RegistryDefaults.reg

I'm actually editing/deleting the 134 HKCU\Software\Avaya reg keys.. This way I could do make these edits without the user logged it.
Another way to delete the keys is this command - REG DELETE HKCU\Software\Avaya /f Just put that into a BAT/CMD or other script to execute. - I have found the only way this way works, is if the user is logged in to have access to the HKCU hive.

You can create a setup.iss for an automated uninstall as well.

Uninstall Caveat:
I found un-installing this application in my environment breaks the “Microsoft Windows Scripting Host” which killed all mapped drive on our machines and other applications that required this tool. I found by re-registering vbscript.dll resolves this...
So regsvr32.exe vbscript.dll /s for a silent re-register
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line

Setup.exe /hide_progress --silent

Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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