
Business Objects Business Objects

Version: 5

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Views: 6.9k  |  Created: 08/10/2005

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Deployment Tips (7)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 0 / 5 (Not Rated) based on 0 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Not Determined
Command Line
The command line to install Buiness Objects 5.1.6 is:

.\setup\setup.exe -key xxxx-yyyyy-zzzz -rdbmskey aaaa-bbbbb-cccc -silent -skip

Where -key is the software key and rdbmskey is the database authorisation key.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
To hide the installation screen and the abort button during installation use option

To hide the Start Menu Explorer window (and not create any icons)

To silently remove the application
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line

When using a commandline install, there is a [Cancel] button (user could cancel automated install) and after the install the shortcut-window stays on top.

Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Just take a snapshot of BO 5.1.6 with Wise Studio 4.6 (do NOT reboot when asked!)

Change the default install directory to: C:\Program Files\Business Objects
Keep HKCR intact, but delete: HKCR\CLSID

HKLM, keep:
1. Software\Business Objects

2. Software\Microsoft\Jet
3. Software\Microsoft\Shared Tools
4. Software\Microsoft\VBA
5. Software\Microsoft\Windows
6. Software\Microsoft\Windows NT

Look for \Software\Business Objects\Shared\General\5.0\Directories\, here you can find several subkeyfolders with the path for e.g. Document (UserDocs), Universe, LocalData (Bo-key) etc. Don't forget to copy the approriate files to these folders if you change the paths.
Disregard al other HKLM-keys

1. Software\Business Objects\BusinessObjects\5.0\busObj\BusinessObjects:Registered Version= 0500010000600160001000000 (to get rid of the first-run splashscreen)
2. Software\Business Objects\BusinessObjects\5.0\BusObj General Preferences\General Preferences\General\Language Settings: Languageld =20044 - LongName=Nederlands - ShortName=NL (For a Dutch installation)
All other HKCU setting can be disregarded for BO 5.1.6

Delete C:\Windows\randseed.rnd
Delete C:\Windows\Temp

You can safely delete all .ini (leave the one in \Program Files\Business Objects\Data Access 5.0 <- optional)

Custom Actions (with RegDacl.exe):
1. RegDacl.exe HKLM\Software /GGE:QWCENRLDR(NI) (NI stands for Non-inheritable)
2. RegDacl.exe HKLM\Software\business objects /GGE:QWCENRLDR (this gives inheritable rights)

When using Macros you could get the following error: : 'FRM0025 - Unable to create macro' , also VBA Editor won't work. The solution is to do the action as a Power User or Administrator to create the file: MsForms.twd in the \Windows\System32-folder. If a user doesn't have the right to create this file, the above error occurs. Copt this file into the system32-folder to resolve the above problem.

User needs Change\Read-rights to C:\Program Files\Business Objects and change-rights to all user folder like Temp, UserDocs etc. For LocData the user needs to create and maintain the *.LSI-files.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
When creating the Business Objects v5.1.6 MSI, Export then remove the following registry key before performing the ''After'' Snapshot:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\BusinessObjects\5.0\BusObj Configuration\BusinessReporter\Bus Initialization]

When taking the Snapshot, WinInstall somehow corrupts this key.

The Snapshot will then take, but Business Objects will not run. Apply the exported Registry key and it will work !!!!

Hope it helps.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Wise package Studio registry and file permissions for BusinessObjects 5.1.6

Location of registry entries where a normal user must have write permissions

HKLM\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\BusinessObjects\5.0\BusObj Configuration\General\Directories\User Library
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Shared\General\5.0\Directories\Document
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Shared\General\5.0\Directories\Universe
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\BusinessObjects\5.0\BusObj Configuration\General\Directories\Template
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\BusinessObjects\5.0\BusObj Configuration\General\Directories\Scripts
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\BusinessObjects\5.0\BusObj Configuration\General\Directories\User BQY
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\BusinessObjects\5.0\BusObj Configuration\General\Directories\Local BusObj
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Shared\General\5.0\Directories\Local Data
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\BusinessObjects\5.0\BusObj Configuration\General\Directories\Help
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\BusinessObjects\5.0\BusObj Configuration\General\Directories\Language
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Shared\General\5.0\Directories\Shared Data
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\BusinessObjects\5.0\BusObj Configuration\General\Language Settings
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Shared\Security\5.0
HKLM\Software\Business Objects
HKLM\Software\Business Objects\BusinessObjects
HKLM\Software\Business Objects\BusinessObjects\5.0\BusObj Configuration
HKLM\Software\Business Objects\BusinessObjects\5.0\BusObj Configuration\BusinessReporter
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Shared\General\5.0\Directories\Document
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\BusinessObjects\5.0\BusObj Configuration\BusinessReporter\Bus Initialization
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\BusinessObjects\5.0\BusObj Configuration\BusinessReporter\Bus Initialization\Agent ID
HKLM\Software\Business Objects\Shared
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\Shared\Setup\5.0
HKLM\Software\Business Objects\BusinessObjects\5.0\BusObj Configuration\General
HKLM\Software\Business Objects\Shared\Sqlbo
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\BusinessObjects\5.0\BusObj Configuration\General\Directories\User Library
HKLM\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\BusinessObjects\5.0\BusObj Configuration\DX\DX Driver List

Files and directories where normal users must have write permissions

C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\LocData\BOMain.key
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\LocData\BOMain.lsi
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\BUSOBJ.EXE
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\LocDataC:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\UserDocs
C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects 5.0\Universe
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Business Objects\BusinessObjects\5.0\BusObj Configuration\BusinessBatch\Bus Initialization\AgentDll List

The "AgentDll List" value data needs formating correctly for Windows Installer to write strings

Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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