This one threw me for a loop for a bit. It was a bit of a pain because trying to package the executable resulted in a lot of wasted time. Normal switches failed, AppDeploy Repackager Failed, AutoIT failed. Turns out the files for the five parts of the software you need are located in a "data" folder that comes with the executable. As long as you keep the .msi files and the config files that came with them in the same folder. You can easily and silently install them. I'll post my code in the script section.
if exist "C:\Program Files\Cadac Group\Organice 2012 Explorer\Organice.Explorer.exe" goto END
if exist "C:\Program Files(x86)\Cadac Group\Organice 2012 Explorer\Organice.Explorer.exe" goto END
msiexec /i "Organice 2012 Explorer.msi" /qn /norestart
msiexec /i "Organice 2012 Office Integration.msi" /qn /norestart
msiexec /i "Organice 2012 DWG Support Pack.msi" /qn /norestart
msiexec /i "Organice 2012 DGN Support Pack.msi" /qn /norestart
msiexec /i "Organice 2012 CAD Integration.msi" /qn /norestart
msiexec /i "RxFilterACADB142.msi" /qn /norestart
if exist "C:\ProgramData\Cadac Group" goto END
XCOPY "Install" "C:\ProgramData\" /E /C /R /Y
During the rollout we found that sometimes the program simply wouldn't install a needed directory under ProgramData. We didn't find a reason why, but we edited the deployment to add the folders/file needed if they weren't there. I'll edit the install.bat script in the script section to reflect this. Install the program correctly once (even if you need to do it manually to get the Cadac Group Folder in ProgramData).
Once you have one up and running normally copy the folder "Cadac Group" from Program data and place it in a folder called "Install" with the zipped up files. With the proper install.bat file it will automatically check for the needed folder in ProgramData and place it there if it needs to.
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