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Views: 12.9k  |  Created: 07/08/2005

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Deployment Tips (13)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 1 / 5 (Very Easy) based on 1 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Repackaged (to a legacy setup.exe)
Creating A Pre-configured ICA Client.

This packaged client was created using the following procedure:-

Download the latest ica32pkg.msi from the citrix web site.

Create an administrative installation point using the msiexec /a ica32pkg.msi command, select the options for: -

- Uncompressed – All source files are copied to the directory.
- Only select the Full Program Neighbourhood client.
- Use Machine Name as Client Name.
- Use local name and password to log on to Metaframe Sessions.
- Upgrade older Metaframe Client Versions.
- Only display the splash screen, progress and finish screens.

Install the base client on a new machine from the administrative installation point.
Configure as required.

Close Program Neighbourhood.

Copy the following files from the users profile application data\icaclient folder:-

- Appsrv.ini
- Pn.ini
- Wfclient.ini

Place these files under the folder structure that exists under the ica32pkg.msi file in the following locations: -

- Program Files\Citrix\Application\ICA Client\Appsrv.ini
- Program Files\Citrix\Application\ICA Client\WFClient.ini
- Program Files\Citrix\Application\ICA Classic\PN.ini

You can now install a pre-configured client from the above installation point.

Should you want to re-package all of the individual files back up into a .msi file run msiexec /a <admin share>\ica32pkg.msi and select the options as originally chosen with the exception of choosing the option to create a single windows installer file.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
As noted above, this is a native .msi. If you create and use a transform (.mst) for your deployment, you may find you see the following error when attempting a silent install:

"Error 1322 - A portion of the folder path ' is invalid. It is either empty or exceeds the length allowed by the system"

This is usually caused by an invalid character in the DefaultDir column of the Directory table. More information can be found here:


To resolve this error, edit your transform and remove the following row from the Property table:

PROGRAM_FOLDER_NAME.20FBBF0A_A7E5_4BDE_9798_9811C3D135ACValue = Citrix\MetaFrame Access Clients

The paths are un-needed in the Property table because they already exist in the Directory table.

The Custom Action that causes the 1322 error is:

Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
The ica32t.exe is the Web Client for Citrix. There is very good documentation on "Reducing the Footprint of the ICA Win32 Client" on the following web site. Worth reading if you want to create a lean and mean installation.

Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
The recipe:
--- Start the downloaded installer, in the %TEMP% directory you can find the files needed, in a subdirectory with the name '_is48' or something alike ---
1) Make a backup copy of the original 'ICA32pkg.msi' file as example I use: 'ICA32pkg_ORCA.msi'.
2) Open ICA32pkg_ORCA.msi in Orca.
Note: This file comes with the Microsoft Platform SDK.
See: AdminProperties= in the logfile if you made it using '/l* filename' during the installation.
You can change the following propertys (you can use 1/0 instead of YES/NO):
* In the Table row (left screen) click on the 'Property' table.
ADDLOCAL=ICA_Client,<Agenttype,..> = Install Agenttype = Clienttypes, you'll have to create this property.
* You can use the following values (Default=ADDLOCAL=ICA_Client,PN,PN_AGENT,WEB_CLIENT):
PN = Program Neighborhood.
PN_AGENT = Program Neighborhood Agent.
WEB_CLIENT = Web Agent.
* ADDLOCAL MUST be set to a value to avoid problems during Active Directory roll-out. (Default=YES).
ALLOW_REBOOT = (YES/NO) Allow Reboot.
* ALLOW_REBOOT MUST be set to NO to avoid problems during Active Directory roll-out. (Default=YES).
AcceptClientSideEULA = Automaticly accept the client EULA. (No = default), you'll have to create this property.
* AcceptClientSideEULA MUST be set to YES to avoid problems during Active Directory roll-out. (Default=YES).
CLIENT_NAME = Client Name, you have to create this property (Default=[COMPUTERNAME]).
CTX_PN_ENABLE_QUICKLAUNCH = (YES/NO) Enable Quicklaunch at systemstart altough calling this parameter from het commandline (CTX_PN_ENABLE_QUICKLAUNCH=no) doesn't seem to DISable it! (setting it in a .mst does however) (Default=YES).
ENABLE_SSON = (YES/NO) Use YES for Single Signon / NO for Pass Through, you have to create this property (Default=NO).
INSTALLDIR = The installation directory. You have to set this one (at least I had) to avoid "Error 1322 - A portion of the folder path ' is invalid. It is either empty or exceeds the length allowed by the system" in GPO distribution (or use /qr or /qf instead of/qb! in the commandline)! Reason: in this package, the INSTALLDIR property is set during this User Interface sequence, you have to create this property (Default=[ProgramFilesFolder][CitrixDirText.20FBBF0A_A7E5_4BDE_9798_9811C3D135AC][PNAgentText.20FBBF0A_A7E5_4BDE_9798_9811C3D135AC]").
PROGRAM_FOLDER_NAME = The directoryname in the Windows Start menu, you have to create this property (Default="Citrix\MetaFrame Access Clients", See DefaultProgramFolderName). = Not supported during client upgrades?
SERVER_LOCATION = Server or server group name, will be displayed in the "Server url" option. Only the name of the server or group will do, as http://.../etc.xml will automaticly be added... (Default=Web server).
* The following property's might cause / solve problems during Active Directory roll-out, I'm not sure.
EnableSSORB = (YES/NO) Use YES for Single Signon / NO for Pass Through, I found this property in v9.150 (Default=NO).
UPGRADE_CLIENT_OLD_VERSIONS = (YES/NO) Deinstall ALL old Citrix versions before installing this version, you have to create this property. (Default=YES).
3) Create the FINAL Transforms file (MST): "ICA32pkg.mst"
MsiTran.exe -g "[PathTo]/ICA32pkg.msi" "[PathTo]/ICA32pkg_ORCA.msi" "[PathTo]/ICA32pkg.mst"
4) Now you can apply the transform on the command line as follows:
MsiExec.exe /i ICA32pkg.msi TRANSFORMS="ICA32pkg.mst" /qb!
Or it can be applied through the modification tab in the Group Policy using Active Directory.

*** Notes ***
Most propertys discussed can be given in the commandline, like:
MsiExec.exe /i ....msi OPTION=...

Orca.exe is a FREE database table editor for creating and editing Windows Installer packages and merge modules.
See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/msi/setup/orca_exe.asp
MsiTran.exe is a FREE tool to generate or apply a transform file.
See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/msi/setup/msitran_exe.asp
MsiTran.exe will be installed in: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Bin".
ORCA and MsiTran Notes:
- ORCA and MsiTran come with the Microsoft Platform SDK.
See: http://www.microsoft.com/msdownload/platformsdk/sdkupdate / http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/msi/setup/platform_sdk_components_for_windows_installer_developers.asp
- Orca.msi, MsiTran.exe and others will be installed in: "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\Bin".
- Instead of the the executable MsiTran.exe you could use the new 'Gen.vbs' ~ Create this vbs as described in the Platform SDK help file ~. But, as far as I tried it, it didn't work!
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Hi there,

The problem with this MSI package is that you can't update it later on with the Citrix Tools. So if you want to have only the PN Client installed on a maschine use the following:

1. Unpack the ica.exe with your favorite tool
2. run the setup.exe from Disk1 like that
setup.exe -r (recording mode)
3. You will find a setup.iss in the Windows folder
4. Customize the .prc files in the Citrix Client as wish (optional)
5. Run the installer like that
setup.exe /s /f1 setup.iss

Then you have an unattended setup for it.
I use a VB Script to check some variables on the local maschine and have different installation folder to start from.

Note: if you run it as an update installation, you will have to create a seperate iss file for it.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
This seemed to work for me. First, uninstall any older versions of Citrix ICA. We were running version 6.31. Use the properties REMOVE=ALL and REBOOT=R in the command line. Second, I installed Citrix ICA 9.2 using a transform. There is another note in this page that says that a property needs to be removed. The property is:

PROGRAM_FOLDER_NAME.20FBBF0A_A7E5_4BDE_9798_9811C3D135ACValue = Citrix\MetaFrame Access Clients

I also noticed that in the transform there were a lot of properties with paths that pointed to my user-specific folders (My Documents, Application Data, Start Menu, etc.) I deleted those properties too.

We also edited %ProgramFiles%\Citrix\ICA Client\pn.ini to change some properties of Citrix ICA. These properties can be edited manually in Application Set Settings. If a user has this INI file in his Application Data folder, this pn.ini file will be used instead of the one in Program Files. When a user doesn't have the pn.ini file in its Application Data folder, then the default pn.ini in Program Files will be used. So you might need to edit each user-specific pn.ini file. These are located in \Documents and Settings\<account name>\Application Data\ICAClient\
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
If all you want to do is install the web client the following non-msi method works well:

Use your favorite zip tool to unpack the self-extracting ica32t.exe file you downloaded from Citrix's web site. (7Zip is a nice free tool for this.)

In the directory you extracted the files to, edit the [Setup] section of the file ctxsetup.ini and change InitialPrompt=1 to 0, DisplayLicenseDlg=1 to 0 and DisplayStatusMsg=1 to 0.

So the [Setup] section should look like this:

Product=MetaFrame Presentation Server Web Client for Win32

Now you can run ctxsetup.exe which will install the web client without any prompting to the user.

(tested using version 9.23 of the client)
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
I was finally able to get the app to deploy using ZENworks with elevated privileges by using the MST to remove the CustomAction that was causing the problem (as noted above):

The Custom Action that causes the 1322 error is:


I used ORCA to load the MSI and apply the MST, then I "deleted" that line from the custom app and generated a new MST. Success.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
SSON will not always work regardless of the setup properties in either the registry or the ini files. If nothing else seems to fix SSON, try changing the order of your network providers so that InetNetProvCredMan is last. Web Client and Citrix SSO need to be in their respective order and before the Intel Provider.

Network Connections -> Advanced Settings ->Provider Order. Move Intel to the bottom.

Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Here is the packaging information about the new Citrix Præsentation Server Client 9.0

You can download the package from the following link;


I have downloaded the .msi version of the package but you can also download self-extracting executable or .CAB version of the package as well. The full package includes, Program Neighborhood, Program Neighborhood Agent and Web Client.


Run an administrative install of the package.
ica32pkg.msi /a
Client Packager Setup menu will appear. This setup menu is a kind of package customizer. Her er you can choose the component/s you want to install,enter several setup informations, choose authentication method etc.
Finally, when you have finished the customization, you can save the .msi package as a single msi file or uncompressed files or .CAB files.

Command-line : start /wait msiexec.exe /i ica32pkg.msi /qb-! /l*v"c:\temp\ica32_install.log" /qb-

You can add/modify the following PROPERTIES:

ENABLE_SSON= YES (Single Signon / Pass Through)

Self-Extracting Executables

ICA32a.exe - Program Neighborhood Agent
ICA32t.exe - Web Client
ICA32.exe - Program Neigborhood

Unpack the file;
ica32a.exe -a -unpack:Foldername

Find install.ini file after unpacking and edit in Notepad;
SetMachineNameClientName = Yes/NO
Start Menu

Save the file.

Check also following links for deployment;

Best Regards,
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Here is the packaging information about the new Citrix Præsentation Server Client 9.0

You can download the package from the following link;


I have downloaded the .msi version of the package but you can also download self-extracting executable or .CAB version of the package as well. The full package includes, Program Neighborhood, Program Neighborhood Agent and Web Client.


Run an administrative install of the package.
ica32pkg.msi /a
Client Packager Setup menu will appear. This setup menu is a kind of package customizer. Her er you can choose the component/s you want to install,enter several setup informations, choose authentication method etc.
Finally, when you have finished the customization, you can save the .msi package as a single msi file or uncompressed files or .CAB files.

Command-line : start /wait msiexec.exe /i ica32pkg.msi /qb-! /l*v"c:\temp\ica32_install.log" /qb-

You can add/modify the following PROPERTIES:

ENABLE_SSON= YES (Single Signon / Pass Through)

Self-Extracting Executables

ICA32a.exe - Program Neighborhood Agent
ICA32t.exe - Web Client
ICA32.exe - Program Neigborhood

Unpack the file;
ica32a.exe -a -unpack:Foldername

Find install.ini file after unpacking and edit in Notepad;
SetMachineNameClientName = Yes/NO
Start Menu

Save the file.

Check also following links for deployment;

Best Regards,
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Creating A Pre-configured ICA Client.

This packaged client was created using the following procedure:-

Download the latest ica32pkg.msi from the citrix web site.

Create an administrative installation point using the msiexec /a ica32pkg.msi command, select the options for: -

- Uncompressed – All source files are copied to the directory.
- Only select the Full Program Neighbourhood client.
- Use Machine Name as Client Name.
- Use local name and password to log on to Metaframe Sessions.
- Upgrade older Metaframe Client Versions.
- Only display the splash screen, progress and finish screens.

Install the base client on a new machine from the administrative installation point.
Configure as required.

Close Program Neighbourhood.

Copy the following files from the users profile application data\icaclient folder:-

- Appsrv.ini
- Pn.ini
- Wfclient.ini

Place these files under the folder structure that exists under the ica32pkg.msi file in the following locations: -

- Program Files\Citrix\Application\ICA Client\Appsrv.ini
- Program Files\Citrix\Application\ICA Client\WFClient.ini
- Program Files\Citrix\Application\ICA Classic\PN.ini

You can now install a pre-configured client from the above installation point.

Should you want to re-package all of the individual files back up into a .msi file run msiexec /a <admin share>\ica32pkg.msi and select the options as originally chosen with the exception of choosing the option to create a single windows installer file.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
I came across a strange problem when using the msiexec /a ica32pkg.msi command to create a custom MSI. I only needed to install the web client so deselected PN / PNAgent in the features list whilst going through the wizard. This worked fine as a manual install, but when deploying to locked down users via GPO the PN / PNAgent options were set up as "Installed on first use" rather than "Not Available", meaning there were PN icons on the desktop etc. Strange!

I then tried a transform but had the "Error 1322 - A portion of the folder path ' is invalid" error, and although removing the mentioned Property resolved it when manually installing using msiexec, if I deployed the app as a user GPO to a locked down machine it failed with the same error again.

In the end I resorted to creating a custom MSI as above then edited the MSI directly (slap on wrists! :)) to disable the PN / PNAgent features, which works and does not install the other components.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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