
Dell Command | Configure

Version: 3

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Views: 12.1k  |  Created: 12/01/2014 by: ronco

Average Rating: 0

Deployment Tips (3)

Most Common Setup Type
Windows Installer (Delivered as an EXE)
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 1 / 5 (Very Easy) based on 1 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Vendor Provided Command Line (switch driven)
Command Line
Update Package: X0TCKA01
Dell Command | Configure,, A01

General Usage:
Systems-Management_Application_X0TCK_WN_3.0.0.1_A01.exe [/<option1>[=<value1>]][/<option2>[=<value2>]]...
See listing below for <option> and <value> information.
Option - Description:
(none) - Display of graphical user interface for guided installation/update or extraction.

/? or /h - Displays this  Update Package usage information.

/s - Suppresses all graphical user interfaces of the  Update Package.

/e=<path> - Extraction of update contents to a folder. (NOTE: Requires /s option)

/passthrough ... - (Advanced) Sends all text following the /passthrough option directly to the vendor install software of the  Update Package. This mode suppresses any  provided graphical user interfaces, but not necessarily those of the vendor software.

/capabilities - (Advanced) Returns a coded description of this  Update Package's supported features. (NOTE: Requires /s option)

/l=<path> - Define a specific path for the  Update Package log file. (NOTE: This option can NOT be used in combination with /passthrough or /capabilities)

Update the system silently
Systems-Management_Application_X0TCK_WN_3.0.0.1_A01.exe /s

Extract the update contents to the folder C:\mydir\
Systems-Management_Application_X0TCK_WN_3.0.0.1_A01.exe /s /e=C:\mydir

Change from the default log location to C:\my path with spaces\log.txt
Systems-Management_Application_X0TCK_WN_3.0.0.1_A01.exe /l="C:\my path with spac
Setup Information:
Setup Type: Windows Installer (Delivered as an EXE)
Deployment Method Used: Vendor Provided Command Line (switch driven)
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
Deploying Dell Command | Monitor Agent to Dell EUC machines to take advantage of Additional Hardware information and alerting.

  1. Download the file Systems-Management_Application_K0K0P_WN32_9.1.0.98_A00.exe from http://www.dell.com/support/home/us/en/04/Drivers/DriversDetails?driverId=K0K0P
  2. Install this application manually against a machine running a SMA Agent, perform inventory and find the following software in Inventory | Software:       Dell Command | Monitor (
  3. Upload executable and associate to this software entry and version
  4. Create a new managed install, provide a name and select software as Inventory type and "Only Display Software with an associated file" ,             Select Dell Command | Monitor (
  5. Under Installation Options, Select Override Default Installation and priovide the following Full Command Line:                                                                 Systems-Management_Application_K0K0P_WN32_9.1.0.98_A00.exe  /s                    
  6. Save Changes and target against end point as required. Once installed and Agent checks in / provides Inventory, the following  information will be provided with current versions of SMA.Any associated alerts against hardware will appear under alerts in the Dell Command | Monitor section of Inventory.      
  7. Notifications can be created in Device Inventory referencing Dell Command | Monitor Inventory components.                    
Setup Information:
Setup Type: Windows Installer (Delivered as an EXE)
Deployment Method Used: Windows Installer Command Line (No MST)
Deployment Difficulty: Very Easy
Platform(s): Windows
  • Hey Ozhunna, Trying to get this procedure working with C|C 4.2 and getting a brick wall. Can't seem to get this working as a Mid-level task on the K2000 when imaging. Any thoughts? - rdbaril 5 years ago
Command | Configure is the replacement of what was formerly called Client Configuration Toolkit (CCTK).

It is part of the Dell Client Command Suite. The Dell Client Command Suite is the new name of our industry leading Client Systems Management tools.  These tools make Dell commercial client systems the world's most manageable client devices.

This recent Dell Tools KKE, covered how to use this utility, via the K1000 and K2000, to manipulate Dell BIOS settings - from the comfort of your desk - on the computers in your environment.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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