
exact Globe

Version: 4

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Views: 3.8k  |  Created: 02/01/2016 by: showitself

Average Rating: 0
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Deployment Tips (1)

Most Common Setup Type
Legacy Setup with no known command line support
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 3 / 5 (Average) based on 1 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Virtual deployment (using application virtualization)
Pre-install Prepare your Sandbox enviorment with:
  1. Net 4.5
  2. Install the Microsoft MSQM Server core (If you don't the set-up can hang on installing it / It happend also that the windows preforms an auto restart when you compile your package) Mak sure that this feature is installed on the target machine. If not let your application owner test everything.

Sequence the application

  1. When you sequence the application change the install drive to Q:\GlobeSP5
  2. Preform the installation in the ProgramFlies Folder not the Q:\
  3. Remove the shortcut from the PDF printerdriver, and move the shortcut from the desktop do a folder in your menu.
  4. After install create a shortcut to Microsoft Excel and name the file "Exact Excel"  (or whatever you like)
  5. In your sequencer turn on the security descriptors and compress the package. It wil compress from 2 gig to 700mb. this is due the many files. Have also patience with creating this package. Your sandbox environment freezes quickly
  6. If you need the Nova PDF printer install it manually with SCCM or another deployment tool.
Post install

An error can a cure when you start the Excel plug-in: "System error &H80040111 (-2147221231). ClassFactory cannot supply requested class."Insufficient memory.

To Solve this you should remove a HKLM key in the active X Compatibility key in you registry.

Add this Script in your Excel OSD file or GPO.
<SCRIPT TIMING="PRE" EVENT="LAUNCH" WAIT="TRUE" PROTECT="TRUE"><SCRIPTBODY>REG DELETE "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\ActiveX Compatibility\{996BF5E0-8044-4650-ADEB-0B013914E99C}" /f</SCRIPTBODY></SCRIPT>

Thats is.

Setup Information:
Setup Type: Legacy Setup with no known command line support
Deployment Method Used: Virtual deployment (using application virtualization)
Deployment Difficulty: Average
Platform(s): Windows

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4.10 SP5

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