Here's some notes for an MST file for Foxit PhantomPDF that I found helpful in an environment where PDF reader software was meant to be the default.
In the PROPERTIES table set the following values:
As I was delivering the application in a XenApp 7.5 environment, I also did the following to ensure users without access to the application couldn't open the application by right-clicking a PDF file.
REG DELETE HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\*\shellex\ContextMenuHandlers\Foxit_ConvertToPDF /f
There's also the ability to get a license TXT file off the vendors that contains all the company licensing details that you can use to activate the software without being online. This is also handy in a XenApp environment provisioned via MCS or PVS. If you obtain this information, put it in a text file called "fpmkey.txt" and throw it in the directory below:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Foxit Software\Foxit PhantomPDF"
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