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Views: 5.4k  |  Created: 01/30/2007

Average Rating: 0
SketchUp has 11 inventory records, 1 Questions, 0 Blogs and 3 links. Please help add to this by sharing more!

Deployment Tips (5)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 1 / 5 (Very Easy) based on 1 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Repackaged (to a setup.msi)
The current (March 08) installer is in reality 4 installers in one and a surprise package. To get a truely silent install (no windows) you need to unpack.

1. GoogleSketchUpWEN.exe -> disk1\setup.exe & some data.cab's

2. Setup.exe -> Folder with...ta da...GoogleToolbarInstaller_EN.exe & SketchUpInstaller.exe

3. SketchUpInstaller.exe -> Disk1\Setup.exe
With this last setup.exe you need to (/r) record a response file. The final command is as described

"%sketchup%\setup.exe" /s /SMS /f1"%sketchup%\setup.iss" /f2"%temp%\sketchup_setup.log"
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Google Sketchup doesn't come in an MSI file so I used WinInstall LE to repackage the EXE file. Then I created a new MSI file with the server.dat (which includes the location of the license file on the server). I also created two registry entries to remove the "learning center" and the "instructor" so they don't show on start up:


0 = dont show
1 = show

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Google\SketchUp6\Google SketchUp TOTD\ShowOnStartUp

REG_SZ = "false"
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

If you don't want to repackage - you can deploy the setup executable. Create a setup.iss file. Copy the installation and the iss file to a network share.
"\\networkshare\xpsoft\Google\Google Sketchup 6.0"

Deploy with the following code.

"\\networkshare\xpsoft\Google\Google SketchUp 6.0\GoogleSketchUpWEN.exe" /s /f1"\\networkshare\xpsoft\Google\Google SketchUp 6.0\setup.iss"

rem Icon Cleanup
del "c:\documents and settings\all users\desktop\Google Sketchup.lnk" /F /Q
del "C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Google SketchUp 6\Uninstall or Repair.lnk" /F /Q

If you own a license for SketchUp Pro - do the same setup as above. License a test machine. Copy "C:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 6\Support\SketchUp6.lf" out to your network share.

Then do a simple copy command back to the same location on your client machines.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
To get Layout working correctly, install the legacy installer and get the product code from;
Then match your custom msi product code to the legacy.

Hard coded into layout to look for the path of the server.dat file in;
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
start /wait googlesketchupPROwen.exe /a /s /sms /f1"%CD%\setup.iss" /f2"%temp%\setup.log"
<installs google sketchup pro using the pre-made iss file>

copy SketchUp.exe "c:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 6" /y
<copies over a keyserved executable>

<pops-up the license info (couldnt automate this)>

"c:\Program Files\Google\Google SketchUp 6\SketchUp.exe"
<runs for the firs time where it asks for the licensing info>

Hope this can help people out...
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

Inventory Records (11)

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Uninstall String

RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\PROFES~1\RunTime\11\50\Intel32\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{B3D8B2F8-3C2C-45BC-933E-8B60E78F6684}\setup.exe" -l0x9 -removeonly

Questions & Answers (1)

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