
Helios TextPad Lexicons

Version: 4

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Views: 4.7k  |  Created: 01/30/2007

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Deployment Tips (1)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 2 / 5 (Somewhat Easy) based on 1 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Windows Installer with Custom Transform (MST)
Obtaining the MSI
You can obtain the MSI installer in the usual way as desribed below:-

Download installer:
Current version 4.7.3 (Filename:txpeng473.exe)

Execute installer, click next and accept the License agreement.

Go to c:\Documents and Settings\Username\Local Settings\Temp

where Username is the name of the user you are currently logged on as (obviously)

Look for a folder created at the time the installer was executed.
It may be called '_is4D1' but if not check the date.
(Clearing the contents of the temp folder prior to running the installer may help)

Inside this folder will be the MSI installer 'TextPad 4.7.msi'

Copy this somewhere else...

You can now cancel the installer (or whatever)

This MSI installer can now be run with the usual switches to perform a minimal (/qb-) or silent install (/qn)

Licensing and Settings:

The License information is held in the registry under:-

The Settings for TextPad are held in the registry under:-
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Helios\TextPad 4]

(note: You may wish to ignore the subkeys for classes etc and just export the Options, Preferences and Tips subkeys etc.)

These two registry branches can be exported and imported after subsequent installs to reinstate licensing and settings.

Incorporating Licensing and Settings into the installation using a Transform:

The following assumes that you have installed, licensed and configured TextPad on the machine on which you will be running MaSaI Editor.

If you haven't already, download and install the free version of MaSaI Editor from http://www.masaieditor.com/

Start the Editor and select New, Transform

Use the default option of 'Create a transform based on an MSI'
Select the 'TextPad 4.7.msi' as the MSI to apply the transform to.

From the 'IQ Views' tree select the Registry entry.

In the upper registry navigation pane select the following two registry branches, clicking the 'With Sub Keys' for each one.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Helios\TextPad 4]

You can confirm that the branches have been imported by navigating to the two locations in the lower registry tree.

You can now save the transform - i.e. 'TextPad 4.7.mst'

using the transform:
The following command will perform a silent install with the License and Settings incorporated:-
"TextPad 4.7.msi" transforms="TextPad 4.7.mst" /qn
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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Uninstall String

MsiExec.exe /I{190E09FD-F08A-444F-B97E-FE482EC5D06C}

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