
IBM DB2 Admin Client

Version: 9

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Views: 4.2k  |  Created: 08/12/2008

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Deployment Tips (2)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 0 / 5 (Not Rated) based on 0 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Not Determined
I've tried everything I know of to get DB2 Admin client to deploy and nothing works. It needs to be manually installed.
(Any contributions would be welcomed greatly)

I've tried using their response file with their command line switches like this:

.\setup.exe /u .\DBAdmin.rsp (the u stands for unattended)

I've also tried hard coding the application path directly to the server as v8.16 has been done in our software delivery system and this does not work(8.1.6 deploys for us just fine):

\\uscles410\sdlib$\13cd80f.arc\1.vol\setup.exe /u \\uscles410\sdlib$\13cd80f.arc\1.vol\DB2Admin.rsp

I've tried using the vendor provided transform and applying that to the msi and it gets it to deploy, but nothing works once its installed.

I've tried creating a transform using Wise Package Studio and this causes errors in the installation process.

When repackaging the app using Wise Package Studio, Wise being on the pc that the app is being repackaged on actually causes the application to install incorrectly and before I begin the capture process, the app is already broken. (I tried repackaging it about 6-7 times)(using Smartmon turned on)

I used the info from the runtime client on this message board that stated the runtime install looks for a directory under c:\Documents and settings\Local Service\My Documents when it is being deployed by the SYSTEM account and if that directory is not there the response file install stops.
I created this directory prior to using the response file install and this did not work at all.

Any method used to deploy the software under our software delivery mechanism using the response file install results in an immediate "green check" and no software being installed on the pc.

A case should be opened with IBM stating that the vendor provided response file silent install mechanism does not work when being deployed by the SYSTEM account using a software delivery mechanism, and that the install immediately stops when it is run under this account.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
Use the MSI file directly to install DB2 clients V9

For example

msiexec /i "...\db2\Windows\DB2 Client.msi" RSP_FILE_PATH="...\RSPFILENAME.rsp" /l* c:\temp\ADCL_V9.log SILENT_MODE="ON" TRANSFORMS="...\db2\Windows\CLIENT\1031.mst" /qn

I use 1031.mst to change the language of DB2 start menu links to German.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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DB2 Admin Client



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