In install TrialDirector 5 on a Windows 7 system the audio/video codec is needed as a prerequisite which can be installed using the following command line (ensure spaces in paths are dealt with):
.\Setup\ISSetupPrerequisites\Audio-Video Codec Package\InstallCodec.exe /s /v/qn
TrialDirector 5 can be installed using (ensure spaces in paths are dealt with):
msiexec /i .\Setup\TrialDirector 5.msi /quiet /norestart
To automate activation in a silent mannor the following files can be copied from an activated system using (ensure spaces in paths are dealt with and licenses are valid):
xcopy /C /H /R /Y .\wmfnnrh.dll "C:\ProgramData\inData\wmfnnrh.dll"
xcopy /C /H /R /Y .\Director.dat "C:\Users\Public\inData\TrialDirector\Cases\Director.dat"
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