
Intevation GmbH GPG4win

Version: 1

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Views: 3.3k  |  Created: 04/27/2007

Average Rating: 0
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Deployment Tips (1)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 0 / 5 (Not Rated) based on 0 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Not Determined
This is the script I use for deploying GPG4win over AD using a GPO. GPG4win is the only mail encryption tool that works correctly with Outlook.

Grab the light installer from <www.gpg4win.org>, unless yo need the german docs and put it in a folder on your admin-share.

The installer is a standard Nullsoft installer-package which works with the known switches.

Create a cmd-file and put it in the same folder as the installer exe-file above.

Copy'n'paste the lines between the "---", create a GPO and point it to the script.

I've had problems with scripted installs that trie to install every time a computer reboots, the condition test will solve that issue. You may remove that line if you don't need it.

The script has been tested on WinXP SP2, WinXP SP2 x64 with Office 2003 SP2 and found to work properly.

if exist "%ProgramFiles%\GNU\GnuPG\gpg4win-light-1.0.9.txt" goto exit else goto install

"\\domain.local\dfs\MSI\gpg4win-light-1.0.9\gpg4win-light-1.0.9.exe" /S /D=%ProgramFiles%\GNU\GnuPG

"\\domain.local\dfs\MSI\robocopy" "\\domain.local\dfs\MSI\gpg4win-light-1.0.9" "%ProgramFiles%\GNU\GnuPG" gpg4win-light-1.0.9.txt /W:5 /R:1


Make sure each line in the script is one line, and not split, as it may appear in your browser window!
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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