
Irfan Skiljan IrfanView

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Views: 28.9k  |  Created: 05/26/2010

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Deployment Tips (4)

Most Common Setup Type
Legacy Setup with command line support
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 1 / 5 (Very Easy) based on 4 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Vendor Provided Command Line (switch driven)
Use the below script to deploy Irfanview over AD with a GPO. Copy'n'paste the lines between the "---CMD---" to a cmd-file.

The script will check if there already is an install done. If there is one, it will silently exit, otherwise it'll install both the program and the plugins-set. Change the path to your admin-share as appropriate.

This script has been tested on WinXP SP2, WinXP SP2 x64 and all versions of Win2k3 and found to work as expected.

Options description (from Irfan Skiljans FAQ):

iview398.exe /silent /folder="c:\test folder\irfanview" /desktop=1 /thumbs=1 /group=1 /allusers=0 /assoc=1 /assocallusers

folder: destination folder; if not indicated: old IrfanView folder is used, if not found, the "Program Files" folder is used
desktop: create desktop shortcut; 0 = no, 1 = yes
thumbs: create desktop shortcut for thumbnails; 0 = no, 1 = yes
group: create group in Start menu; 0 = no, 1 = yes
allusers: desktop/group links are for all users; 0 = current user, 1 = all users
assoc: set file associations; 1 = images only, 2 = select all
assocallusers: if used, set associations for all users (Windows XP only)

if exist "%allusersprofile%\Start Menu\Programs\IrfanView\IrfanView 4.00.lnk" goto end else goto install

"\\domain.local\dfs\MSI\Irfanview v4.00\iview400_setup.exe" /silent /folder="c:\program files\irfanview" /desktop=0 /group=1 /allusers=1 /assoc=1 /assocallusers /thumbs=0
"\\domain.local\dfs\MSI\Irfanview v4.00\irfanview_plugins_400_setup.exe" /silent


Addendum: Pls make sure the two install-lines in the ":install"-section are on two lines, not split on three as above!
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
1) IrfanView:

iview420_setup.exe /silent /folder="c:\test folder\irfanview"
iview420_setup.exe /silent /folder="c:\test folder\irfanview" /desktop=1 /thumbs=1 /group=1 /allusers=0 /assoc=1 /ini="%APPDATA%\irfanview"
iview420_setup.exe /silent /folder="c:\test folder\irfanview" /ini="c:\temp"

folder: destination folder; if not indicated: old IrfanView folder is used, if not found, the "Program Files" folder is used
desktop: create desktop shortcut; 0 = no, 1 = yes (default: 0)
thumbs: create desktop shortcut for thumbnails; 0 = no, 1 = yes (default: 0)
group: create group in Start Menu; 0 = no, 1 = yes (default: 0)
allusers: desktop/group links are for all users; 0 = current user, 1 = all users
assoc: if used, set file associations; 0 = none, 1 = images only, 2 = select all (default: 0)
assocallusers: if used, set associations for all users (Windows XP only)
ini: if used, set custom INI file folder (system environment variables are allowed)

2) PlugIns:

irfanview_plugins_420_setup.exe /silent

3) Uninstall:

iv_uninstall.exe /silent
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
<path to exe on machine>iv_uninstall.exe /silent
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
IrfanView is a very fast, small, compact and innovative FREEWARE (for non-commercial use) graphic viewer for Windows 9x, ME, NT, 2000, XP, 2003 , 2008, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10. It is designed to be simple for beginners and powerful for professionals.

Deploying IrfanView with SCCM can be easily done with one command. 
Example: "%DPused%iview436_setup.exe" /silent /desktop=0 /thumbs=0 /group=1 /allusers=1 /assoc=0

The following settings can be configured:

  • Options:
    folder:     destination folder; if not indicated: old IrfanView folder is used, if not found, the "Program Files" folder is used
    desktop:  create desktop shortcut; 0 = no, 1 = yes (default: 0)
    thumbs:   create desktop shortcut for thumbnails; 0 = no, 1 = yes (default: 0)
    group:     create group in Start Menu; 0 = no, 1 = yes (default: 0)
    allusers:  desktop/group links are for all users; 0 = current user, 1 = all users
    assoc:     if used, set file associations; 0 = none, 1 = images only, 2 = select all (default: 0)
    assocallusers:  if used, set associations for all users (Windows XP only)
    ini:      if used, set custom INI file folder (system environment variables are allowed)

There is only one little 'problem' if you want to set the /ini to %appdata%/irfanview ( /ini=%APPDATA%/IrfanView ). SCCM converts %APPDATA% to the current user, which is the SYSTEM account, and NOT the APPDATA folder of the end-user. Result: the application still doesn't save it settings into the APPDATA of the end-user.

After an installation (without /ini option) the default INI location is C:\Program Files (x86)\IrfanView\. So all settings will be saved in: C:\Program Files(x86)\IrfanView\i_view32.ini.  To change this, you need to put the following setting into the file (remove all the other settings) :


The application will  create a new i_view32.ini under the end-user APPDATA Folder when you change a  setting in the application.

To automatically do this, i created a little 'script' which overwrites the .INI located in C:\Program Files(x86)\IrfanView. 

My source files for the Application Deployment includes the following files:

iview32.ini got the following info:

Install.cmd got the following commands:

So the script installer will first install IrfanView. After this is done, it copies the i_view32.ini into C:\Program Files(x86)\IrfanView. The application will be successfully installed with the correct setting for the INI file :)
Setup Information:
Setup Type: Legacy Setup with command line support
Deployment Method Used: Vendor Provided Command Line (switch driven)
Deployment Difficulty: Very Easy
Platform(s): Windows

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Uninstall String

C:\Program Files\IrfanView\iv_uninstall.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\IrfanView\iv_uninstall.exe C:\Program Files (x86)\Tools\IrfanView\iv_uninstall.exe C:\My Documents\IrfanView\iv_uninstall.exe d:\Programme\IrfanView\iv_uninstall.exe F:\Eigene Programme\Ir

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