"Office XP requires administrative privileges to install it on Windows NT Workstation and Windows 2000 Professional. Once the software is installed, the Windows Installer is an operating system service and has elevated privileges to handle maintenance mode activities such as self-repairing and adding or removing features, even if the user does not. Another factor that could affect the distribution plan is reboots. Office XP includes a separately installed update to the operating system called the Microsoft Office XP System Files Update. The System Files Update is an operating system update and only installs when necessary. The System Files Update can not install on Windows 2000 SP1, Windows ME, or on a computer that has Office 2000 SR1 or later. The systems that need the update include Windows 98 and Windows NT Workstation 4.0 users without Office 2000 SR1 or SR1a. The System Files Update installs first, Setup.exe reboots the computer, and then Office XP installs. So, you'll need to plan for the reboot and logon part way through Setup for a successfully completed installation. While Office Setup manages both processes, it cannot log back on for the user. Detail your approach for handling these issues as well as any changes on the end-user desktop needed to support the distribution of Office XP, including installing client-side software distribution software."
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