
Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Tools for MS Office

Version: 0

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Views: 2.2k  |  Created: 01/03/2006

Average Rating: 0
Visual Studio 2005 Tools for MS Office has 1 inventory records, 0 Questions, 0 Blogs and 0 links. Please help add to this by sharing more!

Deployment Tips (1)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 0 / 5 (Not Rated) based on 0 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Not Determined
1.-Create an Installation Point by copying the source from the MSDN DVD to a folder/share called MS_VS_2005_TOOLS_FOR_MS_OFFICE on the network.
Gotcha: The path to the Installation Point cannot be changed after because they are hardcoded inside the INIs that are created during this process (The INI in contained inside the MST file)

2.-Locate a test computer that has the same operating system that you want to deploy it to in your network, and make sure that it DOES have Visual Studio 2005 installed. (required!)

3.-Copy the following line into a file called CREATE_MST.CMD and launch it to create the MST file.
"%~DP0VSTOOLS2005\setup\setup.exe" /CreateTransform="%~DP0VSTOOLS2005.mst"
Note: The %~DP0 is a variable that stores the path where the CMD file is located. If the CMD file is in G:\VS_PRO_2005 the %~DP0 is a variable will contain G:\VS_PRO_2005\ (Notice the extra backslash at the end) You can also use UNC paths instead but then the server and share names cannot be changed.

4.-At the root of the VS_PRO_2005 folder create CMD files:
::Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Office Redistributable Package
"%~DP0VSTOOLS2005\wcu\VS Tools for Office\vstor.exe" /q:a /c:"install /q"

MSIEXEC /i %~DP0VSTOOLS2005\vs_setup.MSI TRANSFORM=%~DP0VSTOOLS2005.mst /L*v c:\temp\vsTOOLS2005.log ALLUSERS=1 ADDEPLOY=1

::Microsoft SQL Server Express (Optional)
%~DP0VSTOOLS2005\wcu\SSE\SQLExpr.exe -q /norebootchk /qn reboot=ReallySuppress addlocal=all instancename=SQLEXPRESS SCCCHECKLEVEL=IncompatibleComponents:1 SQLAUTOSTART=1 ERRORREPORTING=2 /watsongenman=SQL???.mft ComponentType=3

5.-On a machine that DOES have Visual Studio 2005 already installed, map the same drive letter that was used to create the MST file above.

6.-Run the CMD files in order (reboot at end just in case)

-The INI file for VS is unique to each version of VS (such as Pro, Standard, Team System), and also unique to the OS that you want to install on (Windows 2000, Windows XP, etc). Make sure that you create INI files on computers that match what you will eventually be deploying to.

**Failed attempts**
Using Aaron Stebner's WebLog (http://blogs.msdn.com/astebner/archive/2005/05/24/421314.aspx) method of installing VS 2005 will also work for VS 2005 Tools for MS Office the method installs all prerequisites regardless if they are already installed or not and reboots twice and nothing you can do to stop it.

So I used the same solution that worked for me that came from the \setup\adminreadme.htm file in VS2005. The method involves installing all the prerequisites and then installing VS 2005 tools for MS office using an MST file.

There are two executables available to install SQL Server Express:

SQLEXPR.EXE. Installs both on x86-based computers and on the 32-bit subsystem (WOW64).

SQLEXPR32.EXE. Install on x86-based computers only. This program will not run at all on IA64, and it will run as a 32-bit application on x64-based computers.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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Visual Studio 2005 Tools for MS Office



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