The Newforma Project Center installers do support several command line options, one of which will perform a silent install. Here is a sample command line:
· The quotes in the above string are intentional and recommended.
· The /s option will perform a silent install. When performing a silent install, the NPCS_LOCATION is always required and the /b"C:\CACHE_DIRECTORY" switch is required by 64bit machines (see Options below). Remove INSTALLDIR to install to the default Program Files folder.
· There is no space in the portion of the string which reads /v“/qn above.
· Use caution in creating this script as additional spaces may cause unexpected results in the installation.
· FILE_SERVER_NAME = the name of the file server on which the executable and .txt files are located.
· SHARE = the name of the share on which the executable is located.
· NPCS_SERVER_NAME = the name of the server on which Newforma Project Center Server is running.
o This name should be the netbios name only (ie “server”) and not the fully qualified domain name (ie not “”) and not an IP address.
· CACHE_DIRECTORY = a directory on the local machine (either new or existing) in which to cache the contents of a compressed package. This is actually a requirement of 64bit machines.
· INSTALLDIR = the drive and location into which you want the client installed.
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