
PowerISO Computing PowerISO

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Views: 815  |  Created: 09/24/2019 by: jonniipalos

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Deployment Tips (1)

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PowerISO can also be used from command-line or batch files. It includes a command-line tool, piso.exe, which is located in PowerISO installation folder, like "C:\Program files\PowerISO" or "C:\Program files (x86)\PowerISO". It supports lots of commands and command line switches, which gives you the power of PowerISO without using the usual graphical user interface. The syntax for using the piso.exe is:

piso <command> [parameters] [-switches]

To get a listing of the commands and options for piso, please open a command window, cd to the PowerISO directory, and type "piso -?".

Below are the listing of piso commands and options,


listvd:  List all virtual drives created by PowerISO

setvdnum <n>:  Set number of virtual drives. n is between 0 and 8.

Example: Set number of virtual drives to 1.

Command: piso setvdnum 1

mount <file name> <drive>: Mount image file to virtual drive.

Example: Mount d:\test.iso to drive F: .

Command: piso mount d:\test.iso F:

unmount <drive|all>:  Unmount image file.

Example: unmount drive F: .

Command: piso unmount F:

Example: unmount all drives.

Command: piso unmount all

list <image file> <directory>:  List files and directories in image file.

Example: List all files and directories in root directory of d:\test.iso recursively.

Command: piso list d:\test.iso / -r

extract <image file> <dir/file name>:  Extract file/directory from image file.

Example: Extract all files and directories in root directory of d:\test.iso to d:\temp recursively.

Command: piso extract d:\test.iso / -od d:\temp

convert <image file>:  Convert image file to other format.

Example: Convert d:\test.iso to d:\test.daa 

Command: piso convert d:\test.iso -o d:\test.daa -ot daa

create:  Create image file from files or folders.

Example: Create d:\test.iso from d:\test and d:\test.zip.

Command: piso create -o d:\test.iso -add d:\test / -add d:\test.zip / 

show-comment:  Display comment of the daa file.

extract-comment-to-file <file name>:  Extract comment to the file.

make-image:  Make image file from CD, DVD, or Blu-ray Disc.

Example: Make iso image from drive F:, and save iso file to d:\test.iso

Command: piso make-image F: -o d:\test.iso


-r: List directory recursively.

-o:  Specify output image file name.

-od: Specify output folder.

-ot <iso|daa|bin>: Specify output image file type. If not specified, the image type will be determined by file name suffix.

-add <local dir/file name> <dir in image file>: Add local file or directory to image file.

-volsize <n>: Split output image file to multiple volumes, and set volume size to <n>. Example: -volsize 100M

-setpassword <password>: Set password for output image file.   Example: -setpassword 12345678 

-label <vol label>:  Set volume label for output image file.  Example: -label BACKUP

-joliet <1|2|3>:  Set joliet level for output image file.  Example: -joliet 3

-udf <on|off>:  Enable or disable UDF option for output image file.  Example: -udf on

-iso-name-len <12|30|221>:  Set iso9660 file name length for output image file.  Example: -iso-name-len 221

-joliet-name-len <64|110>:  Set joliet file name length for output image file.  Example: -joliet-name-len 110

-allow-lower-case-iso-name:  Allow lower case iso9660 file name for output image file.

-disable-optimization:  Disable file space optimization for output image file.

-file-datetime <mm-dd-yyyy-hh:mm:ss>:  Set file date time for output image file.  Example: -file-datetime 12-20-2008-08:00:00

-vol-creation-datetime <mm-dd-yyyy-hh:mm:ss>:  Set volume creation date time for output image file. 

-vol-modification-datetime <mm-dd-yyyy-hh:mm:ss>:  Set volume modification date time for output image file.

-vol-effective-datetime <mm-dd-yyyy-hh:mm:ss>:  Set volume effective date time for output image file.

-vol-expiration-datetime <mm-dd-yyyy-hh:mm:ss>:  Set volume expiration date time for output image file.

-comment:  Set comment for output image file.

-comment-from-file <file name>:  Load comment from the file.

Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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