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Deployment Tips (18)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 3 / 5 (Average) based on 1 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Not Determined
Command Line
With SAS 9.2, there are a couple different options for deployment.

Admin-Client: This results in a copy of sas which runs from the fileserver for all clients, but is different from a server install in that it runs all processes on the client machine. This has the benefit of allowing the administrator to easily update the license file in a central location on the network.

Admin-Personal: This results in a locally installed copy of the application, and all execution is performed locally. This has the side-effect of each client having to update the license file manually.

I contacted SAS technical support, and through an undocumented feature you can silently update the SID file on a "personal" installation of the product.

Follow these steps to renew your SAS license.

Run the following command from a command prompt window:

"!sasroot\core\sasinst\sasrenew\sasrenew.exe" -s "datafile:Full path to your SAS installation data file"

"C:\Program Files\SAS\SASFoundation\9.2\core\sasinst\sasrenew\sasrenew.exe"
-s "datafile:c:\SAS92_12345_99999999_win_wrkstn.txt"
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
SAS 9.1.3 - Deploying via SMS

Had big issues rolling SAS out quietly via SMS. We made an Admin install point using SAS' instructions with the license file applied.

We tried to install this using SMS running "setup.exe /S"

First hurdle was that the install appeared to hang. This was because the installer was complaining that it wanted to run the Software Requirements Wizard (SRW.) If you look at SAS' guide about running this, they want you to run this separately and on the command line give details of a username and password - thanks but no!

We found we could get round the SRW by installing the required pre-requisites in advance:-

MS Runtime Components 7

...9.1\Disk1\srw\bundles\vcredst7\setup.exe -s -f2c:\Temp\msrtc.log

SAS 9.1 Java

...9.1\Disk1\srw\bundles\sasjre\JRESetup.exe -is:silent -silent

We got this bit working but then hit more problems. The install would run through, but would then complain that the license had run out, we re-applied the license. We then got an error "Unable to open SASUSER.REGISTRY...."

On talking to SAS we found the problem.

In Quiet.ini (....9.1\Disk1\sas\quiet.ini) we had specified that the "Data Files Folder" was going to "M:\My SAS Files\9.1." The M: drive is people home drive. SMS installs using the local system account which doesn't have an m:\ drive. During the install, SAS tries to write to the location specified in "Data Files Folder" section of quiet.ini, if it can't it gets upset.

We tried a few methods to make a pretend m: for the local system account during the install without success. Finally we set "Data Files Folder" in quiet.ini to "c:\temp\My SAS Files\9.1" After the install had completed, we then ran a vbs script which replaced "c:\temp\My SAS Files\9.1" with "M:\My SAS Files\9.1" in C:\Program Files\SAS\SAS 9.1\nls\en\SASV9.CFG, this worked.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
To install SAS 9.2 through SCCM, you should first install all prerequisites (you can link programs together by using the "run another program first" option in Advanced tab of program properties). Then, you should run setup.exe and make sure you include the following switches: -noreboot -nomsupdate -provision.
-noreboot tells setup.exe to ignore any reboots called for by SAS programs.
-nomsupdate tells setup.exe to ignore any reboots call for by MS programs (such as the prerequisites you needed to install - .NET, MRC 7.0, 7.1 and 8.0, etc.)
-provision is the newer version of the -skipadmin check switch and is needed to install SAS using the System account.
Make sure you include ALL THREE of these switches, or else SAS will still reboot mid-install.
Here's an example of the command line that finally worked for me after a month of hair-pulling:

setup.exe -NOREBOOT -nomsupdate -quiet -wait -responsefile "\\(file server)\response.properties" -provision
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
SAS 9.2 and SCCM 2007 R2 SP2

I was tasked with packaging just the SAS Foundation portion of the install. Some things I learned from various documentation:

-wait will cause setup.exe not to exit, so you don't have to use tasklist to wait for deploywiz.exe before moving to the next package.
-noreboot suppresses reboots
-nomsupdate suppresses reboots from MS patches
-provision eliminates admin checks so you can run as system account (SCCM)

The goal was to deploy this as part of a task sequence and here is how I accomplished it:

I found in some documentation that on Win 7 x64, JRE 1.6 update 14 or higher was required. Install JRE first and then go through the normal 'setup.exe -record -responsefile c:\temp\sas.properties -provision' as the docs say to (I add -provision so I don't have to log in locally). Be sure to point setup.exe at the proper JRE or else it may try to use an older installed JRE and fail. Sometimes the installer does not ask for the JRE path, so be sure the response file has the following:
JRE_PATH=<path to jre6 folder>

If you are using the default SASv9.cfg, it has the line:
in it. CSIDL_PERSONAL is a Windows shell folder that goes to "%userprofile%\Documents" in Win 7. The System Account does not have this folder, so when you deploy via SCCM, the you will get errors such as "SETINIT: FAILED Aborting Install" or "ERROR: Invalid physical name for library SASUSER." when SAS tries to configure itself. The simple fix was to create the directory %windir%\system32\config\systemprofile\Documents.

After these workarounds and much trial and error, I was able to install SAS 9.2 by running 'start /wait "" setup.exe -wait -quiet -responsefile "path\to\file" -noreboot -nomsupdate -provision'.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
-provision doesn't work on Landesk. "/SYSTEM account not enough rights".
-skipadmincheck WORKS.
-wait is essential.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
When you get a new SAS license authorization file, it comes in the format "sas91_nnnnnn.txt" You can rename this to sid.txt and copy it to your installshare, and this will then automatically be used for new installations

Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
License Renewal for 9.1. there is a config file setting that needs to be hacked around. I build a temporary config file:

/* name: Secondary Config File !SASroot\SASv9.cfg */
-CONFIG "C:\Program Files\SAS\SAS 9.1\nls\en\SASV9.CFG"

/* Added 01/01/09 - DWR for sasrenew: http://www.sascommunity.org/wiki/Errors */
-SASUSER '%CD%\My SAS Files\9.1\'
-SET MYSASFILES '%CD%\My SAS Files\9.1\' /* *** */

then used these commands:

REM Back up the old cfg and replace with a temporary one pointing to a fake user directory
copy "C:\Program Files\sas\sas 9.1\sasv9.cfg" "sasv9.cfg.sav" /Y
copy sasv9.cfg.tmp "C:\Program Files\sas\sas 9.1\sasv9.cfg" /Y
"C:\Program Files\sas\sas 9.1\core\sasinst\sasrenew\sasrenew.exe" -s "datafile:%CD%\sas91_487865.txt"
copy "sasv9.cfg.sav" "C:\Program Files\sas\sas 9.1\sasv9.cfg" /Y
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
These are the prequisites required by SAS in my environment (Windows XP SP2 or higher):
Dot Net Frameworks 2.0
Microsoft Runtime Components 7.0
Microsoft Runtime Components 7.1
Microsoft Runtime Components 8.0 SP1
Microsoft Web Services Enhancements 3.0
Microsoft Office Access Database Engine 2007
JRE 5.0 update 12 (NOTE - unlike earlier SAS versions, this is NOT a private SAS JRE; you can get the MSI from java.com)

If you're using SCCM, I recomend creating a task sequence that installs all these prerequisites. the 2nd to last step in the task sequence should be a computer reboot. the last step should be to run setup.exe, including the -noreboot, -nomsupdate, and -provision switches (among others). Make sure you include these switches, especially the -nomsupdate, or else setup.exe will reboot halfway through.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
SAS 9.2 x64 via SCCM Additional comments:
Thank you so much EL_Don for the 'create the directory %windir%\system32\config\systemprofile\Documents' fix. I thought why didn't I think of that! There's also a switch that changes the data path '-datalocation c:\temp' however that gave me OLE errors after install.

In addition to your post this fix requires being in a task sequence as you need to run the command
"cmd.exe /c "mkdir %windir%\system32\config\systemprofile\Documents\"
with "Disable 64-bit file system redirection" ticked or it would use the syswow64 folder here.

My TS:
1. cmd.exe /c "mkdir %windir%\system32\config\systemprofile\Documents\"

2. Copy SAS Setup Property files
(Self extracts property files to %temp%

3. Install SAS 9.2
setup.exe -noreboot -nomsupdate -wait -quiet -provision -responsefile "%temp%\x64.properties"
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Updating the License for SAS 9.2 on Windows 7 via SCCM 2007

This is the command you have to use:
"C:\Program Files\SAS\SASFoundation\9.2\core\sasinst\sasrenew\sasrenew.exe"-s "datafile:c:\SAS92_ order-number_site-number_host-platform.txt"

SCCM uses the Local System account so you need to create a folder called documents before running the sasrenew command like so:
cmd.exe /c "mkdir %windir%\system32\config\systemprofile\Documents\"

Also on Windows 7, 64 bit, this needs to be created in system32 not SYSwow64, which is what the SCCM client will do by default, so use the sysnative alias like so:

cmd.exe /c "mkdir c:\windows\sysnative\config\systemprofile\documents\"
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
  • is there any way of knowing remotely if the license did update succesfully ? - KevinViolette 11 years ago

The only way i got SAS 9.2 to install silently on a Windows 7 client was by running the command line through a task sequence...this way i have the option to set "run as" where i added the domain admin account name and password.  I also had to do it this way to update the license.

So my task sequence had 3 parts:

1- copy license file on the client computer

2- install SAS 9.2

3- delete the license file from the client

Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: Average
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
Running a silent install of SAS 9.2 with SMS or SYSTEM credentials, there is an undocumented command line you can use.

"<path>\setup.exe" -quiet -responsefile <path>\response.properties" -skipadmincheck
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line
Install SAS hotfix\Service pack in silent mode:

Exact the source file by winzip. Then, Install the software by using the below command

" Setup.exe /r /s"
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Quiet Installation

A quiet installation allows you to provide all of the responses that would normally be supplied to the wizard when running interactively, but without the presence of a user. It is intended for use in any context that does not require a user to be present at the machine. In order to perform a quiet installation, you should first create a response file according to the "Record Mode" section of "Record and Playback" below. After you have created a response file, you
should use the information in the "Quiet Playback Mode" section below to perform the quiet installation on the target machine.

Windows users should also consider the "Restarting" command line options in the following section for use with any reboots that may occur.
Record and Playback Record and playback is a feature in the SAS Deployment Wizard that is used to save dialog responses to a file and then load those responses at a later point. The SAS Deployment Wizard provides three
different modes for record and playback. Each mode is described in detail below.

Note that using any of the command line options in the "Record and Playback" section while creating/managing a SAS Software Depot is not supported.

Record Mode
Note: The response file generated with -record may contain passwords in plain or encrypted format. You should secure the response file as you would any other sensitive information.

Running the SAS Deployment Wizard in this mode will cause the SAS Deployment Wizard to create a response file that contains values for each of the prompts the user sees when running the SAS Deployment Wizard. The SAS Deployment Wizard must run to completion when creating the
response file in this mode.

Note: If you record a deployment that includes products that require interaction from the user, your response file will not record those manual responses. Therefore a response file created in this fashion will be insufficient for use with any method of playback (quiet or interactive). If you want to use
record/playback, ensure that Dataflux Integration Server and dfPower Studio do not appear in your

Products to Install list or are not selected in that list.

The response file will be created in the user’s home directory on all platforms with a file name of sdwresponse.properties.

The response file location can be specified by adding an additional command line argument:

‐responsefile "<full path to the response file>"
SAS Deployment Wizard/SAS Deployment Manager 9.3: User’s Guide
Note: If you specify a file location where a file already exists, the pre-existing file will be overwritten by the SAS Deployment Wizard.

setup.exe ‐record ‐responsefile "C:\Program Files\SASHomesdwresponse.properties"
By default, no deployment occurs when running in a record mode. In order to force a deployment while recording, use –deploy.

Note: If you use any other command line options while using record and playback, those options are not included in the response file. To properly use the response file, you must repeat those same command line options with the playback.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
SAS 9.3 Silent Installation:

and then open "2.Read Basic Order Installation Instructions - SAS Deployment Wizard and SAS Deployment Manager 9.3: User's Guide"
Find the Silent install information on Chapter 3.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Quiet Installation

A quiet installation allows you to provide all of the responses that would normally be supplied to the wizard when running interactively, but without the presence of a user. It is intended for use in any context that does not require a user to be present at the machine. In order to perform a quiet installation, you should first create a response file according to the "Record Mode" section of "Record and Playback" below. After you have created a response file, you
should use the information in the "Quiet Playback Mode" section below to perform the quiet installation on the target machine.

Windows users should also consider the "Restarting" command line options in the following section for use with any reboots that may occur.
Record and Playback Record and playback is a feature in the SAS Deployment Wizard that is used to save dialog responses to a file and then load those responses at a later point. The SAS Deployment Wizard provides three
different modes for record and playback. Each mode is described in detail below.

Note that using any of the command line options in the "Record and Playback" section while creating/managing a SAS Software Depot is not supported.

Record Mode
Note: The response file generated with -record may contain passwords in plain or encrypted format. You should secure the response file as you would any other sensitive information.

Running the SAS Deployment Wizard in this mode will cause the SAS Deployment Wizard to create a response file that contains values for each of the prompts the user sees when running the SAS Deployment Wizard. The SAS Deployment Wizard must run to completion when creating the
response file in this mode.

Note: If you record a deployment that includes products that require interaction from the user, your response file will not record those manual responses. Therefore a response file created in this fashion will be insufficient for use with any method of playback (quiet or interactive). If you want to use
record/playback, ensure that Dataflux Integration Server and dfPower Studio do not appear in your

Products to Install list or are not selected in that list.

The response file will be created in the user’s home directory on all platforms with a file name of sdwresponse.properties.

The response file location can be specified by adding an additional command line argument:

‐responsefile "<full path to the response file>"
SAS Deployment Wizard/SAS Deployment Manager 9.3: User’s Guide
Note: If you specify a file location where a file already exists, the pre-existing file will be overwritten by the SAS Deployment Wizard.

setup.exe ‐record ‐responsefile "C:\Program Files\SASHomesdwresponse.properties"
By default, no deployment occurs when running in a record mode. In order to force a deployment while recording, use –deploy.

Note: If you use any other command line options while using record and playback, those options are not included in the response file. To properly use the response file, you must repeat those same command line options with the playback.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

SAS 9.2 Silent Installation with SCCM

Place -provision as first argument

setup.exe -provision -wait -quiet -datalocation %APATH% -responsefile C:\PATH\response.properties

This only seemed to matter with SCCM.  I was able to deploy it using the system account by other means with -provision in other positions.  But with SCCM the install would never complete the first package, SAS Foundation. We noticed roughly 50% usage of 2 CPU's during this time and allowed it to continue running through a weekend.

Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
Command Line

"\\SERVERNAME\source\Programs\Sas 9.1.3\Disk1\Sas\setup.exe" uninstall -s -f1"\\bscsms02\source\Programs\Sas 9.1.3\Disk1\Sas\uninst.iss" -f2"c:\sasunset.log"


"\\SERVERNAME\SASServer\9.1\srw\Setup.exe" -s -f2"%temp%\SAS9RequirementsLog.txt" "QuietLog:%temp%\SAS9RequirementsLog.txt" "LogFile:%temp%\SAS9DetailRequirementsLog.txt"


"\\SERVERNAME\SASServer\9.1\sas\Setup.exe" -s QuietFile=\\SERVERNAME\G$\"SAS Server"\9.1\sas\quiet.ini -f2"%temp%\SAS9InstallLog.txt"

regedit /s \\SERVERNAME\SASServer\9.1\sasreg.reg
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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Uninstall String

RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~2\COMMON~1\INSTAL~1\PROFES~1\RunTime\110\Intel32\Ctor.dll,LaunchSetup "C:\Program Files\InstallShield Installation Information\{DCCDDA68-581E-4A68-96B6-D61BBB195605}\setup.exe" -l0x9 -removeonly uninstall WX6 RunDll32 C:\PROGRA~1\COM

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