Execute-Process cacls.exe -Arguments "'"C:\Program Files (x86)\Spotify'" /T /E /G '"Domain Users'":C"
New-Shortcut -Path "${Env:Programdata}\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Spotify\Spotify.lnk" -TargetPath "${Env:Programfiles(x86)}\Spotify\spotify.exe" -IconLocation "${Env:Programfiles(x86)}\Spotify\spotify.exe" -Description "Spotify" -WorkingDirectory "${Env:Programfiles(x86)}\Spotify\" -Arguments "--network.proxy.addr=<YOURPROXY:PORT>@http --network.proxy.mode=2 --app.autorun.message_bar_seen=0 --app.autorun.type=0 --web_helper.enabled=false"
What do these arguments do?
--network.proxy.addr=<YOURPROXY:PORT>@http - sets proxy. You need this to be HTTP and not HTTPS, otherwise there will be no pictures working in the application (weird bug...)
--network.proxy.mode=2 - Hm, what was that again? It just works xP
--app.autorun.message_bar_seen=0 - to stop it from running at startup
--app.autorun.type=0 - to stop it from running at startup
--web_helper.enabled=false" - to stop the web-helper from running
spotifyinstaller.exe /S
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