
Sun Microsystems Sun Internet Mail

Version: 4

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Views: 2.1k  |  Created: 10/01/2007

Average Rating: 0
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Deployment Tips (1)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 0 / 5 (Not Rated) based on 0 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Not Determined
Command Line
The following command performs a standard interactive installation:

# setup-tty -c install

If you do not specify any arguments while invoking this command, by default setup-tty will perform a -c install operation.

Execute the following to uninstall SIMS and related packages and files from the system:

# setup-tty -c remove

The following command performs a non interactive install that uses the file /tmp/sims_setup.dat if it exists. It will gather all necessary configuration data from the /tmp/sims_setup.dat file. If the file does not exist, setup-tty reverts to the interactive install, which prompts the user for necessary information. If /tmp/sims_setup.dat exists and setup-tty is executed without the -d option specified, the /tmp/sims_setup.dat file is removed and the interactive install continues.

# setup-tty -d

Source: Sun Support Documentation
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

Inventory Records (1)

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