
Symantec ProComm Plus

Version: 4

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Views: 8.5k  |  Created: 11/17/2005

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Deployment Tips (4)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 0 / 5 (Not Rated) based on 0 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Not Determined
RegMon reports Access Denied to the following for a non-admin user:

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Symantec\Procomm Plus\CurrentVersion\FAPI]

- - - - - -

FileMon reports Access Denied on the following for a non-admin user:

C:\program files\%InstallDir%\aspect\$asp0528.000
C:\program files\%InstallDir%\aspect\startup\$asp0528.001
C:\Program Files\%InstallDir%\PROGRAMS\PW5ICONS.DLL
C:\Program Files\%InstallDir%\pw5.di0

ProComm also writes and configuration file [pw5.ini] to the installation directory, and a non-admin user will get an error message that the file could not be written.

It may be more practical to open Write permissions at the root of the installation directory. See the repackaging documentation above.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
From the Command Line Options topic in the ASPECT Help file (keep in mind that version 4.8's executable is PW5):

You can launch Procomm Plus with the PW4 command line parameter. In addition, you can include command line arguments which control how Procomm Plus behaves once it is launched.

The PW4 command line parameter always follows this form:

PW4 [argument] [argument] ...

where each optional argument is separated by a space or tab character.

The optional arguments have the following forms:

[startup mode] This optional argument specifies the type of Procomm Plus communication window that is launched. If it is included, it must occur as the first command line argument. Valid values include TERMINAL, FTP, MAIL, NEWS, or TELNET. Other arguments include PWFAXSTA32.DLL to launch Fax Status, and PWFAXM32.DLL to launch Fax Manager. Note that if you indicate PWFAXM32.DLL, the optional arguments shown below are not valid.

Another startup mode argument is /TRAY. This argument places a Procomm Plus "stub" icon in the System Tray on the Windows taskbar. Right-click on the icon and select from several menu items that launch Procomm Plus communication windows. Note that if you indicate /TRAY, the optional arguments shown below are not valid.

If a startup mode argument is not specified, the Terminal window is launched.

[file.dir] This optional argument specifies a Connection Directory to load.
[CONNECT {MANUAL [class] number/address} | {[class] [GROUP] name}]
This optional argument specifies a manual connection or Connection Directory entry to connect to once Procomm Plus is launched.

If MANUAL is specified, a manual connection of the specified connection class is attempted with the specified number or address. If the connection class is not specified, the Connection Directory class associated with the current communication window is used.
If MANUAL is not specified, the name parameter must be included and enclosed in quotation marks, such as "Gargoyle BBS." Procomm Plus searches the Connection Directory for a matching name and attempts a connection. If GROUP is specified before name, Procomm Plus interprets name as a group name and attempts to connect with the specified group. If class is specified, it overrides the Connection Directory entry class associated with the current communication window, and the Connection Directory is searched for a corresponding entry name or group name (if GROUP is also specified). Valid class values include DATA, FAX, VOICE, TELNET, FTP, MAIL, or NEWS.

[/nostartup] If a startup.wax script exists in the path specified by Script path in the Data, Data Options, Paths panel within Setup, this optional argument prevents the script from executing when a script or connection operation has not been specified with the [file.wax...] or [CONNECT...] parameters.
[file.wax | file.was [argument list]]
This optional argument specifies an ASPECT script file for Procomm Plus to execute. If a .was file is specified, the ASPECT Compiler first compiles the script and upon successful compilation, the associated .wax file is executed. Any arguments following the script name are passed to the script in the predefined variables.

Please remember the following rules when you specify a command line option:

· The Connection Directory, number/address, group name and script name must be enclosed in quotes.
· Command line arguments are always delimited by spaces or tab markers.
· Always enclose Connection Directory entry or group names in quotation marks, and be careful to include any spaces that exist in the name.
· A quotation mark preceded by a backslash is interpreted as a quotation character. For example, the following command specifies an attempt to connect with a Connection Directory entry named This is "The Place".

PW4 CONNECT "This is /"The Place/""

· Connection Directory names, numbers, and addresses are the only command line arguments that are case-sensitive.
· If the [startup mode] argument is specified, it must be the first argument.
· If a script file is specified, any arguments following the script name are passed to the script in the predefined variables.

Command Line Examples

PW4 FTP /nostartup
PW4 CONNECT MANUAL 1-123-456-7890
PW4 script.wax arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3
PW4 CONNECT FAX "Work Fax" /nostartup
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
First, note that this application has been owned by several vendors. For example, 4.7 was authored by QuarterDesk, but 4.8 was authored by Symantec. These notes are for 4.8.

If you typically run an application before completing your capture/snapshot, avoid doing so on this application. You will capture telephone and fax number information that is user-specific, which will probably be of no value if you are deploying to mulitple workstations. Further, this would introduce several .ini files to the installation, and could possibly make the package far more difficult to debug. Let these files get generated by the user running ProComm for the first time, and configuring their settings. To do this they will need write permissions opened on several files. See the lockdown information below.

Also be certain to perform a reboot prior to completing your capture. ProComm runs a required routine from [HKEY_Current_User\Software\Micrsoft\CurrentVersion\RunOnce], and this should be included in the package.
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows
From the Command Line Options topic in the ASPECT Help file (keep in mind that version 4.8's executable is PW5):

You can launch Procomm Plus with the PW4 command line parameter. In addition, you can include command line arguments which control how Procomm Plus behaves once it is launched.

The PW4 command line parameter always follows this form:

PW4 [argument] [argument] ...

where each optional argument is separated by a space or tab character.

The optional arguments have the following forms:

[startup mode] This optional argument specifies the type of Procomm Plus communication window that is launched. If it is included, it must occur as the first command line argument. Valid values include TERMINAL, FTP, MAIL, NEWS, or TELNET. Other arguments include PWFAXSTA32.DLL to launch Fax Status, and PWFAXM32.DLL to launch Fax Manager. Note that if you indicate PWFAXM32.DLL, the optional arguments shown below are not valid.

Another startup mode argument is /TRAY. This argument places a Procomm Plus "stub" icon in the System Tray on the Windows taskbar. Right-click on the icon and select from several menu items that launch Procomm Plus communication windows. Note that if you indicate /TRAY, the optional arguments shown below are not valid.

If a startup mode argument is not specified, the Terminal window is launched.

[file.dir] This optional argument specifies a Connection Directory to load.
[CONNECT {MANUAL [class] number/address} | {[class] [GROUP] name}]
This optional argument specifies a manual connection or Connection Directory entry to connect to once Procomm Plus is launched.

If MANUAL is specified, a manual connection of the specified connection class is attempted with the specified number or address. If the connection class is not specified, the Connection Directory class associated with the current communication window is used.
If MANUAL is not specified, the name parameter must be included and enclosed in quotation marks, such as "Gargoyle BBS." Procomm Plus searches the Connection Directory for a matching name and attempts a connection. If GROUP is specified before name, Procomm Plus interprets name as a group name and attempts to connect with the specified group. If class is specified, it overrides the Connection Directory entry class associated with the current communication window, and the Connection Directory is searched for a corresponding entry name or group name (if GROUP is also specified). Valid class values include DATA, FAX, VOICE, TELNET, FTP, MAIL, or NEWS.

[/nostartup] If a startup.wax script exists in the path specified by Script path in the Data, Data Options, Paths panel within Setup, this optional argument prevents the script from executing when a script or connection operation has not been specified with the [file.wax...] or [CONNECT...] parameters.
[file.wax | file.was [argument list]]
This optional argument specifies an ASPECT script file for Procomm Plus to execute. If a .was file is specified, the ASPECT Compiler first compiles the script and upon successful compilation, the associated .wax file is executed. Any arguments following the script name are passed to the script in the predefined variables.

Please remember the following rules when you specify a command line option:

· The Connection Directory, number/address, group name and script name must be enclosed in quotes.
· Command line arguments are always delimited by spaces or tab markers.
· Always enclose Connection Directory entry or group names in quotation marks, and be careful to include any spaces that exist in the name.
· A quotation mark preceded by a backslash is interpreted as a quotation character. For example, the following command specifies an attempt to connect with a Connection Directory entry named This is "The Place".

PW4 CONNECT "This is /"The Place/""

· Connection Directory names, numbers, and addresses are the only command line arguments that are case-sensitive.
· If the [startup mode] argument is specified, it must be the first argument.
· If a script file is specified, any arguments following the script name are passed to the script in the predefined variables.

Command Line Examples

PW4 FTP /nostartup
PW4 CONNECT MANUAL 1-123-456-7890
PW4 script.wax arg0 arg1 arg2 arg3
PW4 CONNECT FAX "Work Fax" /nostartup
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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