The cleaner is no longer available from MS; however this replacement tool is and I have verified it works on resolving the uninstall issue with Systat 11. -
11 years ago
Howto disable the help / initial dialog at first run:
The settings are located in a spw.ini. This .ini is per default in the users-profile, and to be specific in this path:
C:\Documents and Settings\administrator\My Documents\SigmaPlot\SPW11
of course this is excluded from the capture and needs to implemented in some smart-workaround way.
Now, apperently there is also a file named (woho!) spw.ini in:
C:\Program Files\SigmaPlot\SPW11
(using default install-dir)
Now, to fix the "startups" so they are disabled, the following has to be entered under the section of(in the %PROGRAMFILES% file):
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