For Think Cell 5.2, the following command line can be used (the variable %~dp0 used for source directory):
msiexec /i "%~dp0setup_think-cell_21089.msi" /qb LICENSEKEY=<License Key>
If you install the exe setup manually, it will 1. install per user and 2. with a random product code.
In my case, this sh.. had happened more than 200 times. In effect, the per-user installation will be always be preferred and you don't really know the product code on each machine.
First I deployed the core msi (per machine), which actually carries a static product code. So far for the easy part.
Being a lazy person as usual, I was looking for an perfectly simple way to get rid of all the manual per-user installations without having to know each random product code given.
In the end I built an Active Setup command which does the following once for each user that logs on:
wmic.exe product where (Name = 'think-cell' AND NOT IdentifyingNumber = '{static_product_code}') call Uninstall [optional: >>logfile.txt]
As soon as the per-user add-ins are gone, the per-machine add-ins will be activated.
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