
Unigrapics NX

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Views: 3.2k  |  Created: 02/21/2011

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Deployment Tips (2)

Most Common Setup Type
Not Determined
Average Package Difficulty Rating
Rated 0 / 5 (Not Rated) based on 0 ratings
Most Commonly Reported Deployment Method
Not Determined
Command Line
Cast silent install notes

Typical installation (CASTTYPE=Typical) - load to NX location or default

msiexec /i "[path to]\UGS NX 4.0 CAST.msi" /qn
ISWEB="No" or ISWEB="Yes"
{if ISWEB="Yes"} INSTALLURL=[URL location of resulting start.html file
(including start.html file name)]

With Typical, ISWEB="Yes" is probably very rare since Typical installs CAST
into an existing NX location or to C:\Program Files
ISWEB is the answer to the question of whether CAST is being installed to a
web server. INSTALLURL will then define the URL to be used for CAST instead
of the file to be used to launch CAST.

Custom installation (CASTTYPE=Custom)- most common with unattended

msiexec /i "[path to]\UGS NX 4.0 CAST.msi" /qn
ISWEB="No" or ISWEB="Yes"
{if ISWEB="Yes"} INSTALLURL=[URL location of resulting start.html file
(including start.html file name)]

With Custom:

- location1 is the location to put the castonly.bat, castenv.bat, castenv.dat
and cast icon file. INSTALLDIR and RUNFOLDER should be equal otherwise this
will split the castonly.bat and icon file away from the castenv.dat and
castenv.bat files.
- location2 is the location to load the CAST HTML files, only needed if
ADDLOCAL has MainApp in it.
- location3 is the location to load the CAST parts files, only needed if
ADDLOCAL has Examples in it.
- ADDLOCAL defines the features to install:
-- "StartFiles" contains the castonly.bat, cast icon file and
castenv.bat/.dat. This should always be chosen with a custom installation.
-- "MainApp" contains the HTML files for CAST
-- "Examples" contains the Parts files for CAST
Yes, these should probably have been renamed but its too late now.
- ISWEB and INSTALLURL work the same way together as they do in the Typical
installation type.

Network installation (CASTTYPE=Network) - CAST already loaded on a network
drive or web page. Parts are also already loaded on a network drive.

msiexec /i "[path to]\UGS NX 4.0 CAST.msi" /qn
ISWEB="No" or ISWEB="Yes"
{if ISWEB="No"} HTMLDIR="[location2]"
{if ISWEB="Yes"} HTMLDIR=[URL location of location containing
start.html file]

With Network:

- location1 is the location to put the castonly.bat, castenv.bat, castenv.dat and cast icon file. INSTALLDIR and RUNFOLDER should be equal otherwise this
will split the castonly.bat and icon file away from the castenv.dat and
castenv.bat files.
- location2 is the location in which the HTML files are already loaded
- location3 is the location in which the Parts files are already loaded
Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

The Cast installs to the default folder and hence cannot start within NX environment. The switch does not work,so once has to start it manually from Start->Programs->UGS->NX Cast

Setup Information:
Setup Type: unspecified
Deployment Method Used: unspecified
Deployment Difficulty: unspecified
Platform(s): Windows

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