
Code Update for 2/17/15

Average Rating: 5 based on 1 votes--------------------

We are pleased to announce a new release with one great new feature and several important improvements.


Software Reviews: ITNinja is already home to the most complete software library on the Internet, and now we’re working to make it the go-to destination for admin-oriented software reviews. Every software page now has a Reviews section at the bottom of the page and a button for adding a new review. Now you can add a detailed review, and give a star rating to any software version. Reviews can include anything you can include in a blog article, including formatted text, images and links. Community downloads, like the Admin Script Editor, can also accept software reviews. Users earn Ninja points for entering reviews.


Performance Improvements: Regular users of the site have noticed some recent performance problems on our busiest pages, like the Questions page and popular tag pages.  We recently pushed out a fix for the Questions page, and with this release, we have completely revamped the behind-the-scenes code for tag pages, resulting in some pretty substantial performance improvements. We’re planning further performance and reliability improvements in the coming weeks.


As always, we appreciate your participation and feedback on the ITNinja community. If you have other suggestions, please enter them in our UserVoice portal.


  • The page loads are much faster! Keep up the good work. - Jbr32 10 years ago
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