
Problems on ITNinja /question page

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I just wanted to let everyone know that we are aware of the problems on the itninja.com/question page and are working hard to get a fix out as quickly as possible.

As an IT community focused primarily around questions, our /question page receives a huge amount of traffic and has to process a lot of data to display each page. Right now, that time is often exceeding our timeout limit and you're seeing that as a 503 Service Unavailable error. We are taking a few steps to fix quickly.

First, we have raised the timeout limit on our server to give the page more time to load. This will stop the 503 errors, but won't do anything to help the page load times.

Second, we are testing a fix to speed the page load time right now, for release as soon as testing is complete. In our staging environment, this new fix drastically improves the page speed, and we expect it to significantly improve things on the main site as well.

We apologize for the inconvenience. We know there are a number of IT community sites out there, and we appreciate that you're here at ITNinja. We appreciate your patience while we work through this problem. 

I will update this article as soon as the fix is available.

Thank you,


  • Keep up the good work :) - getElementById 10 years ago
  • Turn on the turbo! - Jbr32 10 years ago
  • Is this related to why i can't post? - bens401 10 years ago
    • Contributions from first-time members are moderated and must be approved the first time. You have now been approved and can post all you'd like. Welcome to ITNinja. - bobcrosley 10 years ago
      • Got it, thanks! - bens401 10 years ago
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