Uninstalls* all versions of DropBox and installs latest
* Dropbox does not install for all users, it installs for the installing user, and that
user requires administrative access... this is a problem.
Script uses 7-Zip (installed on all of our machines) to unpack the installer into the
desired destination directory, and then creates the necessary registry entries and
Start Menu shortcut.
Script does not load each registry hive and attempt to uninstall per-user installs.
OS: W8, W7, XP
Arch: x86, x64
Adam Sailer
## Globals
$invoke = split-path -path $myinvocation.mycommand.path -parent
$os = gwmi win32_OperatingSystem
$proc = gwmi win32_Processor
$debug = $false
$dest = $env:ProgramFiles
$key = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall'
if (($proc.AddressWidth -eq 64) -and ($proc.DataWidth -eq 64))
$dest = ${env:ProgramFiles(x86)}
$key = 'HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall'
Function KillApps
write-host "`n`n@@ Called KillApps" -fore Magenta
get-process -name *dropbox* | stop-process -force
Function Unpack
write-host "`n`n@@ Called Unpack" -fore Magenta
$7z = "$env:ProgramFiles\7-Zip\7z.exe"
if (!(test-path $7z)) { exit 1 }
$archives = (dir -path $invoke\setup -recurse -include Dropbox*.exe)
foreach ($archive in $archives)
write "Unpacking : `"$archive`""
$options = "x -o`"$dest\Dropbox`" `"$archive`" -y"
if (!$debug)
$process = (Start-Process -FilePath $7z -ArgumentList $options -Wait -Passthru)
if ($process.ExitCode) { write $process.ExitCode; exit $process.ExitCode }
else { write $options }
Function Setup
write-host "`n`n@@ Called Setup" -for Magenta
$apps = @(dir -path $dest\Dropbox -recurse -include dropbox.exe)
$path = "$env:AllUsersProfile\Start Menu\Programs"
foreach ($app in $apps)
## $app | select-object *
$product = $app.VersionInfo.ProductName
$version = $app.VersionInfo.ProductVersion
$wshell = New-Object -comObject WScript.Shell
$link = $wshell.CreateShortcut("$path\$product.lnk")
$link.Description = $product
$link.TargetPath = $app
$link.IconLocation = $app
if (!$debug) { $link.Save() }
#### Registry Entries
$item = "$key\$product"
new-item -path $key -name $product -force | out-null
set-itemProperty -path $item -name DisplayIcon -value "$app,0" -force
set-itemProperty -path $item -name DisplayName -value $product -force
set-itemProperty -path $item -name DisplayVersion -value $version -force
set-itemProperty -path $item -name Path_Directory -value "$dest\$product" -force
set-itemProperty -path $item -name Path_Shortcut -value "$path\$product.lnk" -force
set-itemProperty -path $item -name Path_Menu -value "$path\$product" -force
set-itemProperty -path $item -name Publisher -value "$product, Inc." -force
set-itemProperty -path $item -name UninstallString -value 'Use PowerShell script' -force
gp $item
Function Uninstall
write-host "`n`n@@ Called Uninstall" -fore Magenta
$paths = @(
) | where-object { test-path $_ }
$items = @(dir $paths | % { gp $_.PsPath } | ? { $_.DisplayName -imatch $inp })
foreach ($item in $items)
$item | gm | ? { $_.Name -imatch 'Path_' } | % {
write "Delete : $($item.($_.Name))"
if (!$debug) { remove-item $item.($_.Name) -recurse -force -ea SilentlyContinue }
write "Delete : $($item.PSPath)"
if (!$debug) { remove-item $item.PSPath -force -ea SilentlyContinue }
Uninstall Dropbox