
Dynamic Dashboards for your KACE K1000 Appliances

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The KACE helpdesk is great as a tool for running your support department, but all the reports are in a text format, how helpful would it be to have a live dashboard running showing you exactly what is happening on your desk today, right now? To allow you to drill down to ticket information or move through to other dashboards, from where you can drive functionality on your K1000?

Check out www.kacedashboard.com to see how you can gain more insight and drive more value through your KACE Helpdesk


  • Thanks for sharing. I am concerned about data privacy with cloud services and the price is a bit high. - Jbr32 11 years ago
  • It would also be nice to get more info, demo, screenshots, etc. - Jbr32 11 years ago
    • Data is passed via a secure agent and for typical Servicedesk reports, no user data needs to be passed for the dashboards to still provide value.If security of data is a real concern we can install a local instance but that would mean the customer providing the hardware to host the platform. A demo can of course be provided, just ask ;o) - Hobbsy 11 years ago
  • Can you post a video demo? - Jbr32 11 years ago
  • Yeah can ya Hobbsy? - Ozhunna 10 years ago
  • Here you go, http://youtu.be/xRSPdS1EL6Q this short video shows the Servicedesk and SLA style dashboards. For a demo or more information contact us using the contact details within the video. - Hobbsy 10 years ago
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