
K1000 - Delete Outlook Credentials From Credential Manager

Hello fellow Ninjas!

Unsure if we're the only ones, but multiple times a day users call us saying that their Outlook repeatedly is requesting their credentials. We have an Exchange server (2010) and it is a 50/50 split that users have either Office 2010 or Office 2016. The issues lies in that their stored Outlook credential in Credential Manager does not get updated when a user changes their domain password and re-enters it into Outlook. So the solution has been to Remote Assistance to the user and manually remove the stored credential in Credential Manager and relaunch Outlook and have the user enter their password in one more time. Hopefully for the last time until their password word expires again...

So, as a Computer Science graduate I saw a process that was the same regardless of user. Meaning that a script would be a perfect solution to this! You Ninjas are in for a treat because I not only thought of the question, but I worked for a solution as well. Now I want to share that solution with you! 

I created a script with the following settings:
I am sure most of you cannot see the fine details, but here is the important information.
Windows Run As MUST be set to Logged-in User
There are three steps to this task. 
First: Force close Outlook with a batch script with the following code:
taskkill /IM Outlook.exe
Second: Delete all Outlook credentials in Credential Manager with a batch script with the following code:
set Filter=MS.Outlook
for /f "tokens=1*" %%a in ('cmdkey.exe /list ^| find /i "%Filter%"') do (
 echo Removing credentials for target '%%~b'
 cmdkey.exe /delete:"%%~b"
Third: Launch Outlook with a batch script with the following code:
start outlook

You can then add pop up messages so the users know what the heck is happening, its all up to you. 

Good luck Ninjas! Let me know if you have any questions! 


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