
KACE Asset Management - Why Bother??

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2Q==Within the KACE System Management Appliance (SMA) the Asset management section of the appliance is by far the most confusing and frustrating, in my view, and it goes without saying that the functionality within that section, is also the least automated in terms of operational capability. So bearing that in mind, a customer could be forgiven for thinking that it was worth managing their assets in their KACE SMA at all!!

As with all things KACE is there is a really great return on investment (ROI) opportunity when you buy the tool, but once you stray away from the foundational "do more with less" ROI argument, providing your IT techs with the ability to patch, operate, deploy to and control any endpoint with an agent installed in a much more efficient manner, the ROI that is still available. as "Low Hanging fruit" within the Asset Management section of the SMA is all too often overlooked.

Let's consider two main factors when it comes to understand Asset ROI.....

  • First, typically any company employee has, uses, or is responsible for between $2k and $5k's worth of equipment on average.
  • Second, that with the COVID pandemic the push to keep organisations running is underpinned by the rise in home office working
  • Third, during the pandemic the traditional "Front Door" through which an organisation would control the flow, in and out, of equipment has become more complex.

So the truth is that the stuff that your corporation owns is much more likely to be taken away from your location and worse than that, a lot of new equipment that was bought for your home workers, is ten times more likely to have not been registered and booked in, despite you corporation paying out for it. The final kicker is that people are still changing jobs, following up new opportunities and switching organisations, despite COVID, so at this moment in time, many corporations are literally giving away money in the guise of lost assets, when to help with your on going survival you should be making every dollar count.

That's where Asset management ROI starts to be realised.

Asset Management Best practice is made up of very few actual processes, and put simply they can be defined as follows:

  • Goods in
  • Moves and Changes 
  • Stores and Spares
  • Removal and Retirement

KACE supports the implementation of these processes by the simple definition of Asset related data within the SMA. That comes in the shape of creation of Asset Types to be managed and the assignment of key Asset data attributes, most notably Status, Location and Owner.

Knowing what you have (Asset Type)

Where it is (Location)

Who is responsible for it (Owner)

and if it is actively being used (Status)

All of this is out of the box functionality within the SMA and managing your KACE environment with overlaid process and accountability for changes by your techs is the simple path to quick, tangible ROI from KACE Asset Management.

Simply saving money by not losing stuff, knowing what you already have, so not purchasing unnecessarily, being able to manage contracts and insurance with more accurate data, tax advantages etc etc all will add up to thousands of dollars savings.

If you would like to investigate just how much you could be saving contact us to find out more, just click Here


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