Summary: Users are deleting the KACE Agent from Add/Remove Programs. Below is the instructions on how to block users from performing this action:
How To:
1. Go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows \ CurrentVersion \ Uninstall \ KACE networks kbox
2. Change DisplayName to NoDisplayName
reg delete "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\Kace networks kbox" - ohiosoundguy 12 years ago
msiexec /i ampagent-5.3.53177-x86.msi /qn ARPSYSTEMCOMPONENT=1
Some other installer switches you can set as well:
HOST=hostname - sets the hostname
debug=true - enables debugging
NOHOOKS=1 - removes the login hooks for on boot and login agent actions.
CLONEPREP=1 - installs without generating KUID; used for imaging
INSTALLLOCATION=c:\program files\dell\kace - allows you to specify the agent installation directory. - brucegoose03 12 years ago
Ethically you should not be doing anything on the computer you would not want them to know about. - 10 years ago
What you tell me is really an ethical question. Having the K1000 agent is not necessarily spying on you, Mainly the agent on your computer allows for an inventory update: Applications on your system, etc. It is also used to push software and security patch updates to your system, depending on how yiour company uses our product.
Of course there are other uses that I will not get into as you are obviously an end user.
My reccomendation is that you contact your IT Department so they can tell you exactly what they use the KACE agent for. Each company and environment is different so it is hard to say. - KACE_Mary 10 years ago