So with the responses flooding in for our new KACE SMA Benchmark Survey 2022, as part of the survey we also like to ask our respondents two key questions at the end of the survey.
On a scale of 1-10 where 1=never and 10=within seconds, how likely would you be to recommend KACE as a Service Management solution to others?
And also
On a scale of 1-10 where 1=No Value and 10=Great value, in your opinion how would you rate KACE as being value for your money?
These questions provide valuable insight into how the KACE product set is sitting within it's customer base.
Is the average score for how likely customers are to recommend KACE as a solution
is the average score indicating how much value for money the KACE toolset provides
Both of those reflect a pretty positive customer base for KACE, do you feel any different, how would score on the main Benchmark assessment?
On average our respondents completed the survey in just 13 minutes, why not give it a go, just click here to complete your Benchmark