If you are not already utilizing Windows PowerShell 3.0 then I encourage you to step back and take a look at it. If you are completely new to using PowerShell cmdlets basically in a nutshell they are in the form of a <verb>-<noun>, you will see common verbs like set, get, clear, write and stop to name a few and each belong to a group of actions. Basically PowerShell can accomplish everything commandline, batch, and vbs and a whole lot more. PowerShell 3 was release as a part of Windows Management Framework 3.0 and in addition to being based on the Dynamic Language Runtime (DLR), it has a lot of new features such as better workflows, simpler syntax, delegation of credentials, robust sessions and more.
Some of the new features in this version are:
- PowerShell workflow
- Sessions automatically recover from network failures, interruptions or even shutdowns
- Commands that can be executed with a delegated set of credentials
- Simplified language syntax
- Improved cmdlet discovery and automatic module loading
- New cmdlets for DHCP
- Web Access: access PowerShell remotely using a browser/mobile devices.
A couple of CmdLets I recommend the new user checking out:
Show - Command
The new "Show - Command" cmdlet lets beginners run cmdlets from a dialog box. Running Show- Command without parameters displays a list of available cmdlets. Like "Get - Command", it lists all cmdlets, functions, aliases, and scripts installed on the system.
Get - ChildItem
Get - ChildItem has been made more powerful with the addition of the following switch parameters:
- Directory
- File
- Hidden
- ReadOnly · System
When used in conjunction with one of the switch parameters in the same command, Get - ChildItem assumes an AND connector and gets only the items that meet all of the specified criteria.
So I could spend hours going over the additional features in PowerShell 3.0 but I encourage you to take a look for your self if you are on hook for managing and or automating windows machines.