
Use KACE to gather asset information from your home and remote workers - Devices AND non Discoverable!

The challenge that Covid presents continues to be ongoing for us all as IT professionals, also the additional pressure for our employees, having proven that working at home can work for so many businesses, is that they want to continue with that flexibility.j8H5URsEESAAAAAElFTkSuQmCC

As IT departments we face the greater challenge of keeping control of all the assets for which we are responsible, when the perimeter of our organisations have expanded from just our own corporate buildings to include every employee’s home location.

What that means from an Asset Management perspective is that the door in to your organisation, the point at which traditionally you would scan, capture and record any asset additions has now not only moved but also expanded exponentially.

The same goes for assets exiting your organisation, we are no longer operating from a corporate position of strength and if we are unable to track when assets are bought.

How on earth do we track when assets then disappear?

As KACE users you have the ability to make your SMA externally facing, securely and the ability to track any new systems that will have an agent installed. You can also use agentless to capture and track any IP connected devices, however when it comes to assets that do not communicate over IP and are not “connected”?

Whilst some organisations feel that this is not really an issue, if we look at an example of what it can cost a business it can really start to add up.

Let’s say 250 remote employees

Each has a monitor (£150) and a local inkjet printer (£100) as well as various other items bought during the start of home working and claimed on expenses.

The financial impact of loss of assets could potentially be over and above £62k.

So how can we help you regain control of all areas of your asset estate.

Indigo Mountain has a solution that includes an Asset gathering application that can be customized with your own corporate logo and heading, and is delivered via a KACE script.


The application script is run on a schedule and pops up to ask every employee on a KACE controlled device, to provide details of all the company owned Assets that they have in their home office. The UI is structured to make sure that the employee considers all the usual areas and the results are written to a local file.

The content of that local file can then be viewed within the KACE SMA as a custom field, so you are able to run reports on the additional assets that your staff are using, with the aim of reducing the impact of potential financial loss.

Indigo Mountain are offering all the elements in a predefined download package for KACE users, that includes:

·         - Asset gathering application

·         - Deployment script

·         - Custom inventory

·         - Custom Reports

For more information contact via our website here


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