This is a short overview about the parts of the Kace agent:
AMPAgent.exe is the main progam. It starts the other tools if needed.
AMPKickstart.exe is running in the background and restarts the AMPAgent.exe if it crashes.
AMPTools.exe which can be used for changing the amp.conf-configuration file.
KCopy.exe maintains all copy jobs from and to the agent.
KInventory.exe creates a file called inventory.xml which will be uploaded if a inventory task is started.
KLaunch.exe launches all processes on the client if needed. These processes running as local system.
KLaunchSvc.exe logs the tasks which are launched by KLaunch.exe.
KPatch.exe is the patching engine, which patches the system when a pachting process is kicked off.
KUserAlert.exe creates an user alert if the system is patched, a managed install or file replication is running. The behaviour can modified for each task separately.
runkbot.exe can be used to kick off agent actions like inventory or scripting by hand.