KBE Manipulator version
-fixed as issue where selecting to upload a pre-made 64bit .wim would register as 32bit on the K2000. (ESMCS-84)-fixed an issue with 64bit CCTK and CommandConfigure calling drivers from the wrong directory. (ESMCS-85) -fixed an issue in which if a machine could not access the WAN to check for updates, KBEM wouldn't run. (ESMCS-179) -fixed Windows 10 from not properly reading KBEM settings in registry. (ESMCS-181) -fixed issue where if peinst was already mapped it wasn't being detected. (ESMCS-180) -fixed issue with device static IP scenarios and RSA static not reporting correct IP. (ESMCS-182) -fixed issue where enhanced storage was not selectable in PE10 and added PE10 conditions to powershell and .net (ESMCS-183)