
Allow all users as submitters

Does "Allow all users as submitters:" have to be checked before users can see thier tickets? Ours come to the Helpdesk queue and then once they are transfered to the Network queue or the Software queue, the users can't check on the ticket anymore. Is that normal?

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • That means that user can submit tickets to that particular helpdesk queue. If they aren' t allowed to submit tickets to a queue, they won't be able to enter tickets for that queue.
    Are they switching to the other queue from the User Portal? - nshah 11 years ago
  • No. The Helpdesk folks receive the ticket and when they can't solve the problem they move it to Network or Software depending on the problem type. - srichmer 11 years ago

Answers (1)

Posted by: Wildwolfay 11 years ago
Red Belt

You are correct.  A user, if not allowed to be a submitter to a queue, cannot actually view the tickets they have within that queue.


I know this to be true as it is a HUGE pain for us right now while we want to be able to have users submit a PROCESS ticket to a queue and be able to see that ticket progress but we don't want them to have that option as a queue to submit to.


In order to view, they must have submission rights.  There should REALLY be a seperation between being able to VIEW a queue and SUBMIT to a queue.

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