
Any word on more Desktop Authority involvement with this site?

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I keep hearing this is the official support forum for questions and answers, yet the attendance by customers and especially by Dell is weak. The "blogs" category has one item from 10 years ago!!!


5 months ago, Bob Crosley said "We do hope to have a community up and running soon" has everyone moved to it and I just missed it?


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Posted by: bobcrosley 11 years ago
7th Degree Black Belt

I want to apologize for any delays we've had in bringing the community up to speed. With the integration of Quest Software into Dell Software Group, we have been trying to align community programs to make things consistent for our users. 

The ITNinja community will be used for general information, community support and an opportunity to share ideas with other Desktop Authority customers. We will be working to bring more content, and more users to ITNinja in the weeks ahead.

We will also be launching a new official support community for Desktop Authority, that will have participation from the technical support team. That project is ongoing and when I have more information about that, I will post it here.

Thanks for having patience as we've stumbled a bit in bringing this all to you. If you have more questions, please let me know.




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