App-V 4.6 Shortcut working directory and version property
I'm trying to package an application and I can't get around a little problem.
The application itself is pretty easy to sequence, but the shortcut needs a different working directory. You cannot specify this in the Customize -> Shortcuts window, so the way I do this is create a shortcut on the desktop while im sequencing so I can simply edit the working directory in the shortcuts properties window.
Now in our company we have to change the "version" property in the Customize -> Shortcuts window to the name of the package. When I do this and I finish the package, it changes the working directory, that I changed by the propeties window of the shortcut itself, to <WORKINGDIR>%SFT_MNT%\*package name*</WORKINGDIR>.
In other words, it's overwriting the working directory by its default settings because there is not such a property in the Customize -> Shortcuts window.
How can I get around this problem so I can change the "version" property of the shortcut and give the right working directory?
I cannot do this by manually editing the .OSD file because it's not allowed in my company.
I hope that my English and question is a bit clear, I'm a complete junior packager.
Thanks in forward.
Answers (1)
Quite a stupid policy not to allow manual editting of the osd as this would solve your problem in the quickest way.
You can edit your AppV projects with virtual package editors (like Login App-V OSD Editor of Flexera virtual package editor). The 'intelligence'in these solutions take care of the integrity of the osd/sft links.