
Migrating from Physical KACE Management and Deployment Server to Virtualized Environment

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Can anyone recommend a Dell server that will run Hypervisor on MS Server 2019 that will contain both the KACE Managment and Deployment servers?  Tech specs?  Has anyone out there done this recently? Too many options!

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Answers (2)

Answer Summary:
Posted by: Nico_K 1 year ago
Red Belt

the more important question would be:
How many nodes do you want to run? Do you have currently both appliances in your env? What do you use right how? how do they perform right now? Are there any bottlenecks?

Every current server should be able to handle the workload by default but depending on your needs you may need additional ressources.
As a raw overview this document should help.

This is how you set it up:

Posted by: Hobbsy 1 year ago
Red Belt

To add to Nick’s comments, bear in mind on a v13.x box you need a minimum of 8GB ram otherwise the appliance will not load, also bear in mind the Quest suggestions of config level are a guideline, if you want to do anything with either appliance then go one level up. So for your node count if it suggests 8GB and 4 cores, then go for 16gB and 8cores to make sure your appliance can perform.

knowing that you should now be able to size your host server to the optimum level.

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