Application Virtualization
Hi...I was just working on a trial version of ChangeBase...came to know that apps that are RED( will not work on Win7), cannot be virualized for Win 7.These RED apps are running oon Win XP.As far as my understanding goes, virtualization allows applications to run in environments that do not suit the native application.Correct me if I am wrong.
So if app comes out to be Red in Change Base, ideally we should be able to fix such application via virtualization, as app would run in its own virtual bubble and will not interact with the OS.Is there any specific reason as to why application that is not compatible on Windows 7 should not be virtualized??
Answers (2)
This is what Microsoft says
It is often possible to sequence on one OS and run the virtualized application on a different OS; however this scenario is both application- and OS-dependent and is not guaranteed to work for all application/OS combinations since App-V is not a general-purpose OS compatibility solution. If problems are encountered, the application may require sequencing on the same OS environment that the App-V Client is running on in order to resolve those problems.
Not really. Even though the app runs in its own bubble it does fall through and use system level components when needed. If the app will not run natively installed on Windows 7 then likely it will not run in App-V on Windows 7.
I have been giving this a lot of thought lately and blog / video time because we are 1 year away from Windows XP end of life. So your situation is going to get more and more frequent as we get to the end of the road. There are 2 major blockers to migrating; apps and user disruption.
Since you goyour RAG report with ChangeBASE try matching that with an app landscape report called baseline desktop analyzer. See what users are actually running the RED apps vs static installs. You may find these RED apps are not used frequently.
Now, is it winodws proper it is incompatible with or is it a dependency like Office or IE?