
Applying MSP trough GPO

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Dear All,
is it possible to distribute MSP file trough Group Policy?

All help would be fantastic..

Max Della Casa

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Disman_ca 20 years ago
Senior Yellow Belt
In a nutshell, no. The deployment/use of an MSP is dependent on the creator of the patch and the original package. GPOs do not support direct MSP file assignment.
Microsoft for example offers MSP files for its office suite, but in addition they offer an "admin patch" which is a patch you apply to an admin install source (i.e. \\server\share). If you had originally deployed the package from a GPO which pulled it from a server then you may still be able to apply the patch. Please note, if you patch a source that a GPO already points its install to, you could break the app deployment. Test the "inline" patch using a new group policy. You could also attempt a scripted assigned in the same GPO. You could test for a specific condition before executing the patch (new exe version).
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