
Asset History Retention / Filtering

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I am looking to see how everyone else is handling their asset history retention and learn best practices.   Right now I have everything set to the defaults with the 1 year retention.  

1 - When I view an asset record, I would like to filter out all the inventory collection data when viewing these records, is this possible?  I only need to view the history of the actual asset such as who assigned to, location, return date, etc not page file sizes, ram usage, and all that other info.

2 - Often enough I have to find an asset trail of certain devices where 1 year retention is not enough.  I would like to set it to "forever" but expect this would fill up our server space.  What is best practice for doing this?   I am assuming it's going to asset history configuration and turning off collection of a lot of process collecting such as page file size, etc  

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Hobbsy 3 years ago
Red Belt

You can’t filter the asset history, so your best option is to create a report that just extracts the historical entries that you want to know about.

Just a thought, you could add a comments field to each asset type and then create a ticket rule to add that report asset history to the field, using an SQL concatenation would mean that your history would then be saved in the asset, but only the history that you wanted.

If you need a hand with that, feel free to reach out

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