
Best way to mass delete archived users

My supervisor wants me to removed archived users from KSMA (a system I'm new to), but there does not seem to be a method of bulk deletion. Whats the best method of removing archived users en mass? We've tried to do it via ticket rule, but the query fails.

I already checked, he is ok with orphaning the tickets linked to the archived users so no worries about that change. 

2 Comments   [ + ] Show comments
  • I am interested in knowing this as well. I've finally put a filter on users that are imported from AD and I would love to be able to purge all of the extra accounts that don't need to be there. - toneal 5 years ago
  • Hi Toneal,
    Can you tell me more about the filter and did you figure out a way to remove user accounts that don't need to be there? - hammondj 4 years ago

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