Can I have a Process send out an email as one of the steps?
I have several processes to manage work flow in my Kace appliance and have the need to send an email to a specific distribution list as one of the steps. Can this be done with limited administration? I already have the dist-lists but just need to send an email to them as part of the workflow.
Thanks for the assistance
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Posted by:
9 years ago
You can send an email as part of any ticket rule on your K1000, by ticking the box "Email all recipient in query list" within the ticket rule. You can then format the email as you want but using variables from within the select statement of the rule. But you probably knew that right?

So for example in a default ticket rule created from the wizard you see the following lines
select HD_TICKET.*,
Which means within your email area you could use the variable $status_name within your email text, or SUBMITTER_EMAIL as a variable in the "Column containing email address" box.
However if you want to send the email to a regular list or person this can be more challenging as the email address data is maybe not associated within the ticket data.
In those situations we use a technique, when configuring service desk queues, of hiding the email addresses we want to use, that way we always have the data available in the ticket rule.
So select a free custom field or create a new one within your Queue Customise fields and layout area.
For example Custom_7

Then in the Custom field area enter the emails that you want to send to, in a comma separated form, into the default value area, so every ticket has that data but it is hidden from view

You will then need to add the HD_TICKET.CUSTOM_FIELD_VALUE6 field to your select statement
select HD_TICKET.*,
But in your ticket rule you will now be able to put EMAIL_LIST as a variable in the "Column containing email address" box and the rule will send the email out to the list of emails you stored in the custom field.
Posted by:
9 years ago
This could in theory be accomplished with a ticket rule. It really depends on what specifically you are trying to do.
For example, if you need it to email a distribution group once one of the tickets in your process has been closed, you can set up a rule to check for this and send out the email.
Our current process for new hires and terminations begins with an email sent manually from HR. New hire notifications go to one dist-list, terminations to another. Then a process in Kace is kicked off to manage the work flow for all parties involved (IT, facilities, HR, Hiring manager). I want to make the manual email being sent by HR part of the process so that everything can be managed in the Kace process.
Does that adequately describe it? - timmah333 9 years ago-
So you want the email that is sent from HR to automatically start the appropriate process? - h2opolo25 9 years ago
It could be the start for the process, I guess. I thought that going in and creating the process inside of Kace would allow for more up front configuration and information to be included. Can I kick off a process with an email like normal ticket creation though? - timmah333 9 years ago
Posted by:
9 years ago
I don't believe you can kick off a process with an email. What you would probably want to do it teach your HR staff to use the KACE system to put in a ticket (process) instead of sending an email. That way they kick off the process when someone gets hired/fired.
I implemented the process to my HR team so that instead of emailing us when someone comes or goes they open a kace process. This automatically creates tickets for the couple of teams we have to enable/disable access to the various systems. It also lets the HR team see the progress of the tickets.
I already have that built and ready for them to use. Unfortunately, the HR department is sending out the hire and fire notifications to a distribution list of people who need to know around the company and not just to IT. If I can do that for them within the process then it would only be a single thing they have to do (open a process instead of sending an email) instead of having to send an email and then also opening a process. - timmah333 9 years ago
Make sure the ticket has all the information needed for the other people on the distribution list. You can create one or more custom rules to send emails out with the specific information they require from that ticket to the people. You can even add them as a CC to the ticket via the process config if you want so it'll email them the ticket changes. - h2opolo25 9 years ago