
Can't capture a Windows 7 PC with MDT

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I have Windows 7 x86 professional installed on my computer and i cannot capture it using the 'litetouch.wsf '

On my MDT server i have made a new Sequence Task stating the standard "Sysprep and Capture",
After i made that Sequence i update my MDT share go to my windows 7 machine, i have ran litetouch.WSF (VBS) bdd_autorun.wsf they all do the same

i select the capture image, log in as administrator, i get the MDT popup and progress bar, after the progress bar it restarts and proceeds to normally start into the windows environtment and not the sysprep invironment how it should

has any1 encountred this before? 

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Answers (1)

Posted by: JonathonV 12 years ago
Blue Belt

I have seen similar issues with SCCM. Try and find where the logs are stored. I am not sure what version you are using but try this article out it refers to 2012 and 2012. Also you will benefit from using trace32.exe to view the log files (highlights errors and warnings).http://blogs.technet.com/b/askcore/archive/2012/05/08/mdt-2010-amp-2012-my-deployment-failed-what-and-where-are-logs-i-should-review.aspx

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