
Can you limit access to edit specific assets/types to specific roles?

We would like to leverage using the KACE asset tracking to a department in our facility to track their equipment. However, i want to manage what assets they can access/see?

For example, I don't want them to edit monitors, printers, etc. but allow them to do desks and chairs.

Is there a way in KACE either through role creation or through labels to be able to limit what assets can be seen and edited?

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Answers (1)

Posted by: Hobbsy 3 years ago
Red Belt

No, the roles and rights that you can set within the SMA are not granular enough to allow that kind of security. If you wanted physical asset management as opposed to IT Asset management you could apply a multi org licenses and just use the second ORG for physical Asset management, or just simply employ another tool specifically designed for all aspects of asset management.

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