Change Java Default Security Level?
With Java update 7u11 the default security level has been changed to "high." Is it possible to revert this security level to "medium" via script or registry change?
Answers (5) contains information for setting system wide java configuration.
You might want to check here:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment\1.7.0_11\MSI
and this article for the settings
This pointed me to develop the silent installs for 32bit and 64 bit. Make sure you uninstall previous versions first!!! - ronfalkoff 11 years ago
>Make sure you uninstall previous versions first!!!
Why? JREs are designed to co-exist side-by-side, aren't they? Also, there are some dumb apps which check for specific versions. - anonymous_9363 11 years ago
Keeping this lovely caveat in mind:
I used these to silently install:
jre-7u11-windows-i586.exe /s /v"IEXPLORER=1 MOZILLA=1 JAVAUPDATE=1 AgreeToLicense=1 EULA=1 WEB_JAVA_SECURITY_LEVEL=M /QN"
jre-7u11-windows-x64.exe /s /v"IEXPLORER=1 MOZILLA=1 JAVAUPDATE=1 AgreeToLicense=1 EULA=1 WEB_JAVA_SECURITY_LEVEL=M /QN"
As mentioned by ronfalkoff
Was able to figure this one out.
Two files, deployment.config and stored in %systemroot%\Windows\Sun\Java\Deployment allow for system wide configuration of Java.
deployment.config specifies the location of
deployment.system.config=file\C:\:/Windows/Sun/Java/Deployment/ deployment.system.config.mandatory=true
in are the actual configuration specifications.
If a user has already configured something (the security level) in their own user level, it will overtake the system properties. There is probably a way to get around this, but it is irrelevant to my current needs.
I have been struggling with this issue for days. I have placed the deployment.config that points to a server share with the I thought maybe you last comment was the answer but I logged in as a first time user and opened the Java control panel. The customized settings in my were not set and a file was created in this users profile.
This worked fine for me before version 1.7
Thanks. - jfrasier 11 years ago -
We had a similar situation. I created a wrapper that installs the JRE msi. Next I copy the file with the configuration we need to the appropriate folder on the target machine. Then I launch a script that reads the user's profile and deletes any existing files.
So, when Java is started it reads and uses the file - bking2811 11 years ago