Changing Multiple Components
Is there a way to make this change on all 1,000+ components at once? It just won't be efficient to do this one by one for each component.
Would appreciate any insight!
Answers (2)
If this is an MSI, load it into InstEdit, start a new transform then perform a search and replace on '0x0000' for '0x0100' and '0x0004' for '0x0104' in the 'Attributes' column of the 'Components' table.
The second S&R is for components which have a registry key path set. That may leave a sprinkling of components with slightly different attributes but you can edit those manually.
Remember also that you need to change the 'Summary Info' stream from 'Intel' to 'x64'.
H O W E V E R!!!! Changing the attribute for components in this way is almost guaranteed to end in tears. If you're trying to shoehorn files into 'Program Files' instead of 'Program Files (x86)', for example, get hold of the 64-bit version of the app!
Hi VBScab,
I did exactly that, but in Orca. Ultimately, I searched for the hexadecimal value of 0x0008 and replaced it with 0x0018 to suit my needs.
I am using a 64-bit version of Eclipse, not sure where I went wrong when creating the .ism.
Thanks for your input! - snaz27 9 years ago
I did mean "0x0108", haha!
Thanks! - snaz27 9 years ago